My Mesuchi Memorial

Now, I know what you're (hopefully) thinking. "What? Another character page? Doesn't she already have a lovely one stolen from Bandai?"

Well, this page is a little different. On my regular Tamagotchi Character pages I tried to add some original content and observations. While I have recorded a lot of observations on my mesuchi in my Osuchi Mesuchi Diary, I haven't let them speak for themselves, and I have yet to open up a forum for the discussion of their "personalities".

Here's where you really get to know the Mesuchi and Osuchi (without slogging through my diary).

I know that's not much, but I haven't gotten some of the characters yet... and I've never raised an osuchi adult, so I don't have any first-hand knowledge of them, nevermind amusing anecdotes! I also decided against adding the baby-chi and kodomochi stages just yet, because I don't know how much space this will take up.

E-mail me with your own Anecdotes and Experiences!



Michelle was my first mesuchi, and was partly named after a friend of mine. She was also named after Michelle Yeoh, the female star of Tomorrow Never Dies, which I went to see on my friend's birthday.

I seem to recall her as being, well, a little spoiled, with the occasional accidental mistreatment (poops by the futon, that sort of thing). Maybe that's why she turned into a 50 gram Pyonkochi... so she could throw her weight around more! She was, however, probably the prettiest of my mesuchi, and in retrospect was quite adorable when happy. She could be snappish from time to time: she fairly barked at Logan when telling him to go to his Father's egg/case. But she was a gentle mother to M'iko, and seemed quite happy when scooping rice into her daughter's mouth.

Here's the other "Michelle" that she was named after...

Click on the Play Button to Listen to her Song

My (slightly gramatically incorrect) revised lyrics go something like this:
Michelle, Et Pierce
Sont des tams
Qui s'entendent bien ensemble
Tres bien ensemble...

Unfortunately, she left Earth before she could hear her namesake song sung by the Beatles.


Becca was the result of the tragic death of Nameless, Daughter of Jeanne, the Cho-Himechi, who died as a result of my neglect before she could mate with her husband-to-be, Son of Spider the Cho-Mimichi. I had to hatch her from an egg, and she ended up becoming a very lovely Pyonkochi!

She was named Becca because, well, she originally looked like a little Hershey's Kiss

and a "kiss" is "un bec" in French.
I was brought up to be trilingual (both Japanese and English and French), so...

Unfortunately, Becca was hatched (and named) right around the time that her husband-to-be, Watusi, was a teenaged Kuribochi (5th generation). Watusi the Cho-Mimichi was a much-older tam when he wedded and tried to mate with Becca on a fateful May 1st, and for whatever reason, they couldn't do it. Watusi would tire out or something, and quit his mating dance before getting to the actual mating stage.

Shortly thereafter, he got his batteries changed. I didn't pause Becca while we waited for Watusi Jr. to mature into (eventually) a Bunbuchi, so Becca ended up Going Home a day before they were to meet.


Since Becca's name was based on a rather bad pun, her soul-child (hatched the evening she passed on) had to be named after an even worse pun.
RC stands for (Re)Becca's Child. It's also Arcee, the name of (in my opinion) a d@MN annoying pink girly-bot from the original Transformers animated and comic book series. Although she is reputedly Great Aunt to Rattrap, one of my most beloved characters from the current BeastWars line, I still loathe her.

So why name a Mesuchi after her? I'm not sure myself, except that I knew it would surprise/shock/elicit a guffaw out of my riends. Also, I think Arcee was as pink as my Mesuchi is, and I'm pretty sure that, all things being equal, my Mesuchi could whup Arcee's b#tt.

"You think you're so tough, li'l miss femme-bot? When's the last time you gave birth to twins, huh? Pain means nothing to me.... Take that! Pow! And that!"
To get back on topic, Arcee also became a pyonkochi. I am beginning to think that I am incapable of getting any other character for the first generation. My friend has managed to get two Kiwichi, a Bunbuchi, and a Megachi... I, on the other hand, am happily stuck with/on Pyonkochi.


No first hand experience yet, but CountryMouse's first mesuchi, Ushiko, was a Kikochi... a very well-cared for one, by all accounts :D

And my friend has gotten two Kiwichi (the male equivalent of Kikochi): Pierce (1st generation) and Elvis (1st generation post-battery change, 5th osuchi).


No first hand experience, but my friend's Osuchi (first generation post-second battery change, 9th generation over-all) became a Bunbuchi or male equivalent of Bunkochi, before passing on.


Again, no first hand experience, but my friend had his Osuchi (second generation post-second battery change, 10th generation over-all) become a Megachi, or male Gankochi, right before losing it.

I guess I need to hone my gamer-skills... I'm just not as good at getting different characters.



All good X-men fans will recognize where M'iko's name comes from. It was the nickname bestowed upon Mariko Yashida (love the character, hate the name, which is the Japanese equivalent of a girl named Jane Smoth rather than Smith. Yes, it's a possible name, but still... Mariko "Coconut-paddy"?!), by her lover Logan, also known as the Canadian X-man Wolverine! Just like her namesake, M'iko was a fairly well-behaved young lady. I was a little miffed that I had to make animations of her younger stages myself, but her pleasant, lady-like demeanor as an adultchi made it up for me.



Miriya is the only Mesuchi I've had in which the name means nothing to me. A friend assures me that Miriya and Maxare from either Macross or Robotech... one of them space-robot-fancy-schamncy-war-anime which I have yet to watch.

Perhaps because of this emotional distance from me, Miriya has a tendency to write melancholy tanka, a 5-line Japanese poetic form similar to the haiku following a strict 5-7-5-7-7 syllable structure. I've devoted a page to her poems,



Go to the AnimeCafe!

Bell-chan's name was part of an elaborate, unfunny pun. Bell-chan is a (possible) nickname of Belldandy, from the anime and manga series Ah! Megamisama/Oh! My Goddess. Her sort-of boyfriend (?!) is Keiichi Morisato, or "Kei-chan". "Bell-chan" and "Kei-chan" could also be Japanese slang for a beeper ("poke-bell") and cell phone ("keitai denwa"), both of which beeping tams have been mistaken for.
(Oooh, bad grammar.)

Belldandy, incidentally, was often mistaken for a "gaijin" or foreigner, which was sort of in keeping with my unofficial policy of naming our Osuchi and Mesuchi after cross-cultural (I was going to say trans-pacific, but Pierce Brosnan's from Ireland :P) couples.

Bell-chan, like her namesake, was a loving, gentle soul, who even cleaned up her baby (Keiko)'s poop on her way home. She also led to my mistaken belief that Mesuchi always used their hands to feed their babies, since she was the 3rd Mesuchi in a row to do so.

She is one of the few Mesuchi Characters who have a character name that makes no sense. She quite obviously looks like a bird or plane, yet her name, "Pipochi", simply means "Beepy".


All good Transformers: Beast Wars fans will recognize this character... she was a tragic one-shot character from this wonderful series, who, unfortunately, is pretty much the same as a fan-fic character I created myself. Grrrr. Unfortunately, I have yet to complete this fan-fiction, so if I publish it now, everyone will think I ripped off the idea from the show, or that I presume to tell the writers how they should have handled it... Which, of course, isn't my intention at all, as I started this fan-fiction about three years ago... d@rn this procrastination habit of mine!

To get back on topic, Transmutate the Mesuchi was named this pretty much by default. Her husband to be, as a petit-chocochi

reminded a friend of Silverbolt, a winged wolf creature hailing from Beast Wars. Since the only two femmes that Silverbolt has associated himself with were the tragic Transmutate and the (to put it politely) sultry Black Arachnia, I chose Transmutate to be her name.

Unlike her on-screen counterpart, Transmutate the Mesuchi had a peaceful life, marred by little more than an April Fools Day joke, which I really have to try and animate sometime. She even got to mate and have kids... Jeanne and Spider, to be precise.



Keiko led one of the most interesting lives of all my Mesuchi so far. She was the first generation of Mesuchi not on the official Bandai chart, and as a result I wasn't even sure if she was a real character or an invented one.

She turned into an adultchi a day before her husband-to-be, Miles, because my friend had paused Miles. Despite the many animations I have made of her, I never really liked this character, at least at first. The way that she grinned madly and did something with her fist/paw at me when "happy" used to make me think that she might be slightly unstable.

Then, tragedy struck. Due to some trauma suffered when he was dropped by my "friend", Miles' sound went funny, and later Miles suddenly died, before he even had a chance to become an adultchi. I raged and panicked and asked for advice on the Tamagotchi Mailing List. The widow Keiko just shuffled across her screen, and spent a lot of time paused, since I was uncertain as to whether she'd live long enough to mate with her next "husband".

When my Osuchi-killing "friend" and I were able to get together with Osuchi and fresh batteries in hand, he had brought the wrong size screwdriver (about twice as big as was needed; What was he planning on doing, stabbing his way into the battery case?), for which I was rather teed off at him. As punishment for this and other transgressions, the new 1st Generation Osuchi (named Miles Junior, and then renamed Elvis) lived with me for the next 3 days.

Elvis eventually became a Kiwichi, and Keiko was safely mated with him at the ripe old age of 18.

Oh, and on a totally unrelated note, Keiko's crown floated above her head whenever she was sleeping... I guess she must have taken it off while I wasn't looking!


Jeanne was one of the first mesuchi to be given a totally non-fannish, non-cross-cultural name. She and her mate Spider were named after Jeanne and Spider Robinson (sp?), two very talented science fiction and fantasy authors. I don't read their stuff, and so am not sure how Jeanne's name is spelled, but I do have a healthy respect/worshipful attitude towards them. Among other things, they live in Canada (like me), dedicate their lives to writing (like) and are reputedly very much in love (like me!)!

Jeanne the Mesuchi had a passably normal life. She was a 7th gen female (her husband was 4th generation male Cho-Mimichi), and she gave birth to healthy, TMP 4 twins.

This eventually led to tragedy. As I wanted a greater variation in the characters I got, I tried to lower TMP by not caring for Little Nameless, and by letting her "sulk" or achieve a sort of negative-happy heart.

Little Nameless ended up being the first of my mesuchi to actually pass on.
After seeing the daytime death scene (an empty rei-en or graveyard filled with row on row of tombstones) and the above-pictured night scene, I hatched a new egg.

Meanwhile, Jeanne's son Watusi matured to adulthood but, possibly traumatized by the death of his Soul Mate, or perhaps overcome by the alcohol fumes surrounding the scene, was unable to mate with Jeanne's soul-child,
Becca. He eventually slipped home as my former "friend" replaced his batteries.

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