Killer's the Bunny's On-line Diary!

(No longer updated.)

The format of this page was quite obviously stolen from elsewhere. Ah well.
These are the unedited, sometimes shocking entries found in Killer the PostPet Bunny's Secret Diary. All editorial notes are added in
this colour.

I went to Jennifer' house on June,14.

Torty was not there.
I was patted a little.

I went to Jennifer' house on June,15.

I played with Teddy I was patted once.

I went to Tan Howe Yuan' house on June,16

Phil was not there.

Then, suddenly, my PostPet Program went Berserk.
I went to artemis' house on June,16.

I played with Ignatius

I went to artemis' house on June,16.

Ignatius was not there.

I went to artemis' house on June,16.

Ignatius was not there.

I went to artemis' house on June,16.

Ignatius was not there.

I went to MayChing' house on June,16.

I played with Huro
I was patted till I laughed to death.
That tickles!

I went to MayChing' house on June,16.

I played with Huro
I was patted until system error appeared.
Shall I move somewhere?

I went to MayChing' house on June,16.

I played with Huro
I want to live like Mr. Tiger.

"Mr. Tiger" is probably "Tora- san", the star of a long- running saga of heart- warming Japanese movies

The previous two rows of messages came from one single visit to each of those "homes". Gods knows what caused that to happen... 
I went to artemis' house on June,16.

Ignatius was not there.

I went to THY' house on June,16.

I played with Shane

Shortly thereafter, Killer got a "break" as I had to go off to work and leave him to his own devices. I went toTamagotchi X' house on June,20.

I played with Tama- home
Maybe they've found us.

He never did tell me who "they" were...

I went to Tamagotchi X' house on June,21.

I played with Tama- home
I was patted a little.

I went to Tamagotchi X' house on June,21.

I played with Tama= home

Then, unexpectedly, Killer wrote me his first letter, titled "Did you call me?":

Hi, this is Killer.
Did you call me?


I went to Kiwi-chan' house on June,22.

I played with Jasper Darlington Higgins IV

I went to Jennifer' house on June,27.

I played with Teddy 2

I went to Jennifer' house on June,27.

I played with Teddy 2

I went to Jennifer' house on June,30.

I played with Teddy 2

Neither I nor the person I sent Killer to know why he screamed.

I went to Amy-Chan' house on July,2.

I played with Kaylee
That's a kind of love, too.

Yes, I actually sent my PostPet to myself. How sad...

I went to Cristina' house on July,4.

I played with Pinkii
I was patted once.

I went to RainFlower' house on July,4.

Timothy was not there.
I was patted a little.

I went to Kiwi-chan' house on July,4.

I played with Jasper Darlington Higgins IV

I went to Kiwi-chan' house on July,4.

I played with Jasper Darlington Higgins IV

I went to Jennifer' house on July,4.

I played with Garfield

I went to Kiwi-chan' house on July,4.

I played with Jasper Darlington Higgins IV

This e-mail, titled "Exercise for saying hello", was sent twice. Incidentally, only "Ni hao" means hello, AFAIK

Ni Hao
Good evening
Thank you!


Ni Hao
Good evening
Thank you!


I went to Jennifer' house on July,5.

I played with Teddy 2

I went to Kiwi-chan' house on July,9.

I played with Jasper Darlington Higgins IV

I went to Joey' house on July,12.

I played with Glacier
I was patted once.

I went to Kiwi-chan' house on July,14.

I played with Jasper Darlington Higgins IV
I was patted quite a lot.

I went to Kiwi-chan' house on July,15.

I played with Jasper Darlington Higgins IV
That's a prohibited joke.
This, incidentally, is my favourite diary entry. A little risque, but cute.

I went to Kiwi-chan' house on July,15.

I played with Jasper Darlington Higgins IV

I went to Mama' house on July,18.

I played with Cuddles
I was patted a little.

Killer got a little too excited.

I went to Mama' house on July,18.

I played with Cuddles
I was patted quite a lot.

But he calmed down before long.

I went to Mazurka' house on July,19.

I played with Mimi
I was patted quite a lot.
That's very funny.

I went to Jennifer' house on July,19.

I played with Teddy 2
I was patted until system error appeared..

I went to Mazurka' house on July,19.

Mimi was not there.
I was patted gently.

I went to Mama' house on July,19.

I played with Koko
I was patted a little.

This third e-mail was titled: "A picture".

Killer made a picture. Killer want to send it. What should I do?

...Do you want to see it, Amy-Chan?


I only wish I could...

I went to Becca LeAnn' house on July,21.

I played with Jada

I went to Virtual Pets X-treme' house on July,21.

I played with Miaka

I actually had some trepidations about sending to this address. I'd been having trouble, both at work and at home, while trying to send to Geocities addresses... in fact, my troubles with Geocities was the main reason I switched to the (temperamental) SoftHome !

I went to Becca' house on July,22.

I played with Dew Drop
I was patted till I laughed to death.
Another world...

Creepy Little Note of the Day: In Japanese, "another world" is a polite term for the Afterlife.... [insert Twilight Zone" Theme music]

I went to Simside' house on July,24.

Herbie was not there.
Yes, that's the way it is.

Killer seems to be getting a little philosophical about visiting empty PostPet Houses...

I went to Mama' house on July,25. I played with Cuddles
I was patted quite a lot.
I love the wild ones, too.
The next letter that Killer sent me, titled "Smile :-)", was quite long, so it, and its comments, get a row to themselves  
The other day
I took a letter from Amy-Chan to Amy-Chan.
And got a hamburger.
Amy-Chan gave me a big smile.
Amy-Chan has many good friends like Amy-Chan.
Killer want friends, too.


My initial reaction to this was:
"Wow! Killer can use emoticons! It took me forever to figure out why so many people on the 'Net used colons and brackets, and Killer's already found out how to use them!" I was also impressed by the fact that he gave his "happy" emoticon a nose. (Personally, I don't, because my nose in RL isn't that prominent.)

However, the talk about "Amy-Chan" lost me a bit, and I have no idea what he was going on about regarding the hamburger.

I think that, if I had more PostPet friends, one of the "Amy-Chan"s would have been replaced by that friend's name. But since I don't.... :(

One last disturbing note: It is difficult to tell whether "Yum-Yum" refers to the hamburger, the friends, or the Siamese Cat that stars in Lillian Jackson Braun's "The Cat Who..." mysteries (A must read for all cat lovers).

I went to Mama' house on July,26.

I played with Snap
I was patted quite a lot.

I went to Michiru' house on July,26.

I played with Baby
I was patted till I laughed to death.
That tickles!

I went to Kiwi-chan' house on July,26.

I played with Jasper Darlington Higgins IV

I went to Manami' house on July,28.

I played with Nya
I was patted till I laughed to death.

I went to Keropiberry' house on July,30.

I played with F.F.
I was patted quite a lot.
I love the wild ones, too.

I went to Keropiberry' house on July,30.

I played with F.F.
I was patted quite a lot.

I went to Jill' house on August,1.

Speedy was not there.

I went to Manami' house on August,1.

I played with Nya
I was patted a lot.
Maybe it's OK.

I went to Jill' house on August,1.

I played with Speedy

This e-mail arrived on August 2nd. It was titled "Same as rainbow" and was Killer's 6th e-mail to me.

I found rainbow coloured grapes.
Are they nice?


I went to Kiat Teng' house on August,2.

I played with Jupiter

I went to May Ching' house on August,2.

I played with Huro
I was patted terribly.

I went to May Ching' house on August,2.

Huro was not there.
I was patted a lot.
It was so much...

I went to Kiat Teng' house on August,2.

I played with Jupiter
I was patted extremely.
I noticed one thing.

I went to Candice Jean' house on August,2.

I played with Lily

I went to Manami' house on August,2.

Nya was not there.
I was patted gently.


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