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Comments: |
Transformers: World's Worst |
The World's Worst Fanfic Series of Transformer Parody Fiction was created
by three of my minions: JHooksX, Walky, and Picard42. The TFWW site is run by
Picard42 and his partner-in-crime PerceptorTFWW. Some of my fiction is here, too! |
Megatron33's Page |
This minion is not only a Transformers fan, but is also a voice actor! (Or was.)
Be sure to check out his Botcon Reports and Sound Clips!
The Raptor Pen |
Yet another Minion Page! This site, hosted by my Australian Minion Finback,
boasts a Forteana and Magic the Gathering section as well as Transformers stuff.
What's Forteana, you ask? Check out the Raptor Pen to find out!
Not a minion, but I forgive him. This site is maintained by Benson Yee,
a consultant for Beast Wars the Series, and continues to be one of the most
famous and popular information and resource sites on the series, toy line,
and related merchandising ventures.
Brax Cardigan's Transformer Realm |
He isn't a minion, and he doesn't have a cardigan, but I think his website exonerates
him of both sins. (Plus, like me, he likes the word "defenestration". We should start a
People Who Like Big Words Club.) Besides transformers fanfics and toy reviews, he has the
ultra-comprehensive Transformer Fan Photo Gallery, now in Alphabetical Order!
Rob Powers' Pile of Transformers |
Rob Powers' isn't a minion either, but he has a nifty last name and so is forgiven
for this egregious oversight. His website manages to be nifty, clean-cut, informative,
and genuinely entertaining. Which kind of makes it the antithesis of this site, really.
Decepticons at RSAD (Ringling School
of Art and Design) |
This is Lithrael/RazorMoon's page. She's a fellow world conqueress and a Decepticon
supporter to boot!
... Well, I assume she plans to conquer to world. Who wouldn't?
She draws Transformers and GI Joe and Peter Gabriel art. They're pur-ty. (Some
examples of Lith-art can be seen in my BW Gallery.)
Welcome to Windchaser's Domain! |
Windchaser's site is full of happy-fun cuteness and neato fan-art and nifty fanfics.
She's also a Decepticon supporter. I begin to despair of ever finding nifty-keen femmes
who like Autobots.
The Dalvatron Transformers Page
Dalmatian, aka Dalvatron, is yet another non-minion. What is it with these guys?!
He does neat-cute Transformers Art, writes neat-cute Transformers fanfics, and has an
online comic called Funny Farm which is both
cute and, astonishingly enough, neat.
If you pester him enough, he might give you free art. Oooooh. Or he might post your
Funny Farm Fan-art on his site. Aaaah.