My Rambling Virtual Pet Diary: May 2000

May 1st, 2000

Not a whole lot to report, alas. I'm going to be busy for the next while, thanks to my summer courses. Most of my virtual pet activity has been limited to quick rounds of Tamagotchi for Gameboy, inbetween mind-numbingly repetitive quests to challenge the Elite Four in my Pokemon Yellow game. While this has proven to be a pretty good way to while away the hours waiting for the bus to show up, or waiting for the bus to get to school/drop me off near my home, the enjoyability of playing Pokemon seems to decrease substantially once you beat the Elite Four a couple of times, and get at least one pokemon to level 100. From there on in, it's merely a contest of wills, a show of grim determination, and (in my case) a good way of unsubtly showing someone that you don't want to talk to them, and are ignoring them as best you can.

I'm actually pondering buying a Japanese Pokemon Silver cartridge, just to tide me over until they release the English translation of Pokemon Gold/Silver. Among other things, it should be a good way to develop a good game strategy for the English version... on the other hand, I find it's a pain to name the Japanese Pokemon, due to the name-length restriction (only 5 Japanese characters, which is not-quite-equivalent to 10 English letters), and naming Pokemon is a major part of the game for me.

May 4th, 2000

Whee! In Neopets News, the reticent and shy Faery Queen gave me a quest to complete! (The Faery Queen is the rarest of the Uber-Faeries, and she apparently gives great powers to those who complete her quests.)

I was surprised, as just before this I'd refused to complete a Fire Faery's quest to find a "Jib-Jib T-shirt" (for reasons I do not understand, the T-shirt items are often sold at exorbitant prices in the Neopet-owners' Marketplace, so I was reluctant to spend my time/money searching for an item for a measy upgrade in attack ability). Eager to find out what kind of item the Faery Queen required, I scrolled down to discover...

... that she wanted a Jib-Jib T-shirt.

Fortunately, I didn't buy the first one that I found (by combing the stores in the marketplace, I managed to find a store selling 2 Jib-Jib T-shirts for over 10 000 NP)... but it still cost me about 1400 NP, bringing me dangerously close to bankruptcy.

The end result? My youngest Neopet, Parasauralophus, gained 1 level, gained 2 HP, and became "strong". This is the equivalent of carrying out:

Well, the trading cards range in price from 100 NP to 1000 NP (or more)... and the toys range from under 10 NP to a couple hundred... and the clothing, as I found out, could range from about 20 NP to well over 1000 NP. I think this was a fairly good deal... and hopefully it'll get me in the Faery Queen's favours.

May 16th, 2000

On the Tamagotchi (Gameboy) front, I played with Chex and Spike a bit... Chex got sick once, and that was about it for Chex excitement. (Oh, and he was in the Beauty Contest, but he got a bad grade of 36... )

Spike was a bit difficult; his discipline was only at 75% (and his body health at 75% as well) when he unexpectedly transformed into...

A Kuchitamachi.
A Kuchitamachi

Huh. A Generation 1 teenaged stage from a Generation 2 baby stage...

In any case, Spike's discipline went from 75% to 25%. His dietary habits remain the same: He hates meat, he loves bread, and doesn't mind carrots.

As for Neopets, I did my second quest for the Faerie Queen today... Spent 990 NP buying some Rainbow N and Ns. Grrr. She blessed Aquile_Velox, which was nice as he was slightly behind the others in terms of blessings.

Oh! And I suggested to the Neopets people that they change the Soup Faerie (currently gives out free soup only to poverty-stricken pets, and turns away anyone with more than 200 or so NeoPoints) so that wealthier-but-still-malnourished pets can have some soup for a donation.

I got 100 NP credited to my account, so I think that they're going to use it. Or maybe that was just a random 100 Neopoints. Who knows?

And Then There Was Silence...

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