April 14th, 1998
Well, I finally did it... I made Jean turn into a Debuchi!
At 9:23 am, Jean made an unhappy call. I fed her one candy, bringing her up to 99 grams in
weight. Nothing happened.
I gave her a second candy. Nothing happenned... or so I thought, until she finished eating. Then, the erratic transformation beep started up, and she turned into...
The Debuchi!
True, it's hardly anything to be proud of, but it gave me several moments of happiness seeing that great chubby face. I played the game with her several times (you can see her happy face above) and when she dropped to 89 grams, she beeped again and transformed back into the Pyukichi.
Since I continued feeding her and giving her two candies (and two games) when called upon, she turned into a Debuchi again later on in the day, and had to remain one until I finished her animation. While a Debuchi, the mesuchi can only be played with or have her stats checked; it looks like she doesn't poop during that time, either. Her happy hearts and hungry hearts continue to diminish, however.
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Most of these Images stolen from Someone's Osuchi/Mesuchi Diary as well as Niku-kyuu's Home Page. Thanks for your generosity!
Images created using MediaCraft's Pocket Artist. Thanks guys! But try writing the instructions in real English, willya?