My Osuchi and Mesuchi Diary

A Petitchocochi animation

March 31st, 1998

A Mizutamachi animation

At 9:07 am, I saw that little Transmutate had a tiny mini-skull!
A sick Petitchocochi
I quickly healed her, and she got a little mad... that medicine must taste awful! (Either that, or too sweet. I've never been able to tolerate those sickly-sweet, allegedly "fruit-flavoured" cough syrups... those horrible fake cherry and artificial orange syrups. *shudder shudder*)

At 9:08 am, Transmutate transformed into a Mizutamachi! Very, very cute. I had to do research and stuff today, though, so she ended up making two unhappy calls! And she hasn't made a single selfish call... I feel like such a bad mother

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Tamagotchi, Tamagotch, Osuchi and Mesuchi are all property of Bandai Japan.

Most of these Images stolen from Someone's Osuchi/Mesuchi Diary as well as Niku-kyuu's Home Page. Thanks for your generosity!

Images created using MediaCraft's Pocket Artist. Thanks guys! But try writing the instructions in real English, willya?