Zukichi: Who Was That Masked Tam?

Like its G1 Tam equivalent, Zukichi is a character you either love or loathe. He stays up late, he sleeps in until 11 AM, and he occasionally turns into the secret character. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing remains to be seen.

Adult-chi Type 3, Generation 2: Zukichi

As hypocritical as this may sound, I actually think Zukichi is cute. People often look at me funny when I try to explain why I find Zuki cute, while I find the Mask decidedly uncute. I guess it all comes down to this: if you look carefully at them, the Mask is always staring right in front of him/her as s/he hip-thrusts its way across the screen. Thw Zuki, on the other hand, always has an eye on you as he peacefully floats across the screen. That's what really makes the difference for me: eye-contact, and a lack of pelvic thrusts. Also, Zuki is quite cute when eating, scrunching up it's face as it tries to stuff as much burger in its face as possible. Of course, Zukichi was my first gen2 tama; that may have something to do with it.

The TD notes that Zukichi is "a weird adult-chi. He has the ability to leap 2 meters (about 6 foot 8) through or into the air and bite people. Personally, he wants to use this ability to be a fighter for justice (ie, a superhero). However, he is a little mean-spirited." Other stuff from the Bandai site suggests that his little cowl ("zukin") is removable, though no-one knows what's underneath it.

In the Japanese tamagotchi comic series, Hanjyuku Tamago, the volleyball playing girl (I don't know her name)'s tam turns into a zuki. "He won't help me practice my toss-ups or my serving or anything," she complains, while Mikachu patiently explains: "I keep on telling you, there's no such thing as a Volley-ball-chi!"

Meanwhile, inside the egg, the Zuki can be seen lifting weights and working out, repeating his mantra: "Must become stronger! Must be more macho! MUST BECOME A SUPERHERO!"

Tonkitchi and the Mimichi are impressed, and ask the Zuki to guide them through his rigorous training schedule. "All right," he growls. "Follow me, boys!" Together, they attempt 100 sit-ups, followed by 100 push-ups, followed by 100 bunny-hops up the stairs (here, the Mimi-chi seems to have an unfair advantage). The Zuki pauses a moment to flex and preen. "My gosh!" cry the other two. "He hasn't *pant* even broken a sweat! And he's wearing that cowl too!"

Suddenly, the Zuki clutches at his head. "Aargh... this sound..." he gasps, as a familiar shimmery sound is heard.

"An adult-chi? Transforming?" gasps Tonkichi, as the zuki's cowl begins to peel off. An oddly oyaji-like hair-do (seen from the back) is replaced by...

"Gasp! The Secret Character!"

There, in all its glory, is... a big chubby sumo wrestler.

"He looks... different somehow," Tonkichi tactfully murmurs.
"He certainly has an... impressive build," comments the Mimichi.
They then congratulate the Sekitoritchi, and encourage him to keep up his training.

"No way," says the Sekitorichi. "Ah don't lahk practicing and working hard and stuff. Ah'm gonna eat mah chow and go to bed now."

Adult-chi Type ???: Zatchi the Secret Character

Like the Sekitorichi, the Overseas Secret Character Zatchi the alien goes to bed early: about 10 PM, in fact. He is one of my favourite Gen 2 characters; I think he looks quite cute and Roswell-ish. I have only gotten this character once: Phoenix Grey, my second Gen 2 tam, turned into Zatchi (after spontaneously resetting itself twice).

Like Bill the Secret Character, there is next to no information on Zatchi. We know s/he's an alien. That said, all of the Tamagotchi are aliens (from our perspective, anyways). Unless Zatchi is a member of some intergalactic cuckoo race, leaving its' eggs in Tamagotchi and other VP creches everywhere, I'd say that the Bandai folks got some 'splainin' to do.

Emma says:

I got the secret charector once before. The funny thing is that I didn't get Zukichi {I got Zatchi the alien} when I got him. I had one of the charecters with a beak.

If anyone else has had this happen on their Tam, please let me know!

I'm always looking for more stuff to put up here. So if you have pics, comments, stories or tips you want to contribute, e-mail me! and please note whether you want to be credited.

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All images copyright Bandai. Descriptions of Tamagotchi are taken from Tamagotchi Daihyakka: Tamagotchi wo Sodaterutchi (published by Keibunsha, copyright 1997) and Hanjyuku Tamago by Kenji Watanabe.