The Osuchi (OH-soo-tchi, lit. "male") and Mesuchi (MESS-ootchi, lit. "female") are larger than regular tamagotchi. The LCD screen is about 2.6 cm by 2.1 cm (about 1" by 0.8"). It is, coincidentally, about the same size as the official Tamagotchi Mini-Bandaid Container (I have the light-blue one with a Mamechi sticker on it). There are 5 icons each on the top and bottom of the screen. The top part of the egg is linked to the rest of the egg through the chain-loop (see above picture).
The screen backgrounds are set up to look like little rooms; the Osuchi has a bluish room and the Mesuchi has a pinkish one. There is a little door on the left wall, and the Mesuchi has a picture of a dark pink heart near the right wall. The Osuchi has a dark blue spade (the kind you find on cards, not the kind you find in a garden).
They are, as mentioned above, linkable. However, they can't always mate. Up until a certain age, they will shake their heads emphatically when the Mate icon is selected. The mateable adults can mate the day after they turn into adult-chi; you can tell this because they look eager/nervous when the icon is selected. Then again, according to the instruction manual, there are some adult-chi that just don't mate, for whatever reason, and always get upset with you when you select the icon.
The packaging (a purple and pink sunset for the Mesuchi, an evening sky in blue tones for the
Osuchi) is really cute for these tams. Instead of the traditional "Hyper Interactive Digital
Pet" subtitle, these are subtitled as "Hyper Interactive Love-Love Pet(s)". The banner hanging
off of the UFO says "Congratulations! Breeding Successful!" instead of just "Congratulations!
Tamagotchi", and the UFOs in the background have heart shaped flames, and are filled with images
of tamagotchi couples and at least one silhouette of kissing kuchipatchis (?). A heart-shaped
speech bubble coming from the tam says: "[Let's] get [ourselves] a charming Osuchi ("Mesuchi"
on the Osu package) and raise some adorable baby-chis."
Cutest of all, however, is the little mission statement on the bottom. The one for the original tams was: "Tamagotchi is a Portable Pet. Let us raise them with lots of love..."
The new mission statement has a strategically placed pair of brackets, which converts the above statement into: "Tamagotchi is a Portable Pet. Let us help their love to blossom..."
On the back, there is a warning that the product is for ages 12 and up, as well as warning not
to separate the tams while mating. There is also a little pic of a blushing Mika-chu looking
into the microscope, and saying "Oh my... I- I don't believe this!" while the Prof sips his
coffee and says: "Huh?"
Click on the Picture to see it full-size!
My Mesuchi also has the number 4 on its back, while the Osuchi has the number 2.
My guess is that this represents which subset they belong to.
The Osuchi and Mesuchi seem to be in complementary colour pairs; my dad wasn't able to get such
a pair for me, so I got a pink with yellow buttons Mesuchi (one of my least fave colours) and a
white with green borders, egg-top, pictures, and buttons Osuchi.
Hopefully, this won't affect their "compatibility" or "mateablity".
The icons are arranged really nicely. This time around, the Check Status Icon is first, followed by Meal, Game, Toilet, Discipline, and on the bottom of the screen, First Aid, Light, TMP, Mating, and Attention.
Mateable Tamagotchi Diary I OsuMesu GIF Gallery I OsuMesu Characters I My Mesuchi Memorial
If you have any suggestions about Osuchi and Mesuchi (more detail, less detail, go buy a scanner and get real pics d@mmit, etc) e-mail me!
If you feel that virtual pets really shouldn't mate and stuff, and are deeply disturbed that Bandai created this toy, fine. You have every right to have your own opinions on this. Keep in mind, however, that this toy is for ages 12 and up, and that these are BREEDABLE pets; I believe that saying that this toy is sick is like saying that all the dog and cat breeders in the world are sick. (okay, I'm exaggerating a bit here; feel free to e-mail me and rant.)
If you feel that I have described the tamagotchis incorrectly, and are deeply disturbed that I still can't tell left from right, I apologize. It's this persistent problem that I have. By left, I generally mean "the side of the tam that is on your left", and by right I mean the other side.
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