One thing I have noticed, after nearly 3 years of exposure to various virtual pets and games,
is that anything I am extremely cynical about (and anything that I outright mock to my friends)
will almost certainly become a best-beloved-darling of mine within a year. It happened with
Tamagotchi, it happened with Creatures, and now, it's happened with Furby.
In my own defence, I must say that my initial mockery of Furby resulted from the fact that I'd
only read reports of it, and had had yet to actually see a live one, or footage of a live one in
action. When I finally saw one in a local Electronics Boutique store, I was impressed with how
small it was; I had somehow expected it to be Teddy Ruxpin-sized.
However, the first Furby I saw was a greyish one with a pinkish speckled belly, firmly cementing
my belief that Furbies, while interesting from a technological point of view, were horrifyingly
expensive hideous bulgy-eyed monstrosities.
I didn't become a Furby convert until a search on E-Bay alerted
me to the existence of...
Being quite literally mad about penguins, I instantly knew I had to have one. Even when I later
found out that these were generally known as "Tuxedo Furbies"; even when my sister protested that
Furbies were still hideous, despite any similarity to penguins in their fur patterns; even then
I wanted one. Fortunately, a friend in New York City (Note: It is a fervent belief of mine that
you can get anything in New York City... rare toys, delicious smoked mozzarella, passion-
flavoured sherbet...) was able to get a blue-eyed black-with-white-tummy Furby for me, on the
condition that he would only buy it for me if I did well in my finals.)
This self-same friend went on to attend the August 31st, 1999 Furby Baby Release at the 34th
Street Toys R Us in Manhattan; his epic tale can be found below.
Alas, this page will not be yet another "Here's the latest news about Furby!"-type Headline News page; my geographical position makes my city one of the last to get fresh new toys. Nor will this page boast a large gallery of furby photos of every shade and hue. Rather, S@T@N an' ME will be all about my personal experiences with Furby, as well as my occasional experiments with him and his friends.
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