White Queen, my Gen2 tam, transformed into a tongaritchi today at 10 am. Her discipline went from 75% to 50%, so she's probably not going to turn into the secret character (with both secret characters, the discipline went down to 0% after transforming into a "teenager").
The King Pet unexpectedly reset itself, so I decided to try raising a penguin. The penguin starts out as an egg with legs. It hatches into a white happy face with stick legs. Its food is what looks like a tropical fish (like an angelfish, only it's black) and its snack appears to be ice cream. When showing emotion, it turns into a large black/white seal torso.
Oh, and yesterday, while I was sick, I couldn't care for the Pocket Love, so that it's compatibility points went down, from 35% to 31%. I managed to get it back up to 37% today...
Shortly after I typed that, the King Pet reset itself again. Grrrr. This time, at my sister's request, I "hatched" a puppy. It came in a vibrating cardboard box, and eats a bowl full of something and a bone as a snack. When it's happy, it sprays little hearts evrywhere, but when I lose a game, it cries... much nicer than the other pets, which get mad.
December 21st
Today, when I woke up, everything was fine for about 30 minutes. All of my virtual pets were
happy and full, the King Pet had transformed into an adorable 1 year old puppy... then it
happened. The King Pet screen was suddenly filled with four poops and a weather change.
The timer had broken down again, and it was beginning to age rapidly. At "age 2" it turned into
an evil-looking dog with black ears and whiskers: it was so unattractive that I put it to sleep
(in the sleep stage, the King Pet doesn't lose any hearts, but keeps aging). From age 3
(when it became an adult) to 9, it was a big dog with flabby jowls, black ears and a black tail.
At age 10, it was an actually-cute puppy with big floppy ears; at age 11 it turned back into
the flabby dog, and stayed that way until age 14, when it turned into an adorable puppy that
kept chasing its tail across the screen. I paused it, just so that I could keep it in this
At the end of the day, my Pocket Love reached 50% compatibility.
December 22nd
Tomorrow is my birthday! Yaaay! In other news... When I woke up this morning, the timer was
working normally for the King Pet! Yaaay! (Although the time was off by three hours...)
Right now, it's 11:00, and the timer's still working properly!
Since I have to bake some doggy biscuits and do some last minute shopping, I'll have to cut this
short. Suffice it to say that all my v-pets seem to be doing okay, and I think that White Queen
(Disc. 75%) will transform sometime today!
As it turned out, I was wrong. White Queen didn't transform, and my King pet's timer went funny again in the evening. One minute it was an adorable puppy chasing its tail, the next it was a huge, bloated dog covering most of the screen, surrounded by a host of poops and skulls. After that, it turned back into the flabby-jowled skinny dog with the black ears, and at age 18, it turned into a sickly, bony, wheezing dog. On the advice of my sister, I "put it out of its misery" (translation: stopped caring for it until I saw "Bye!" and a crying dog flashing across the screen). I then accidentally restarted a puppy while trying to fix the timer, and so I stuck the tab back into the King Pet.
While I was doing this, I forgot about Glinda, and found her at half-past midnight fast asleep
with a poop by her futon.
December 23rd: My Birthday!
White Queen transformed today... into a pochichi!
I was hoping for a mimichi, since her discipline was at 100%, but oh well.... And my Pocket
Love is now at 56% compatibility... it would be higher, but none of the "love attacks" have
worked for the past couple of days.
Because I couldn't take them to dinner, which my family was having at a lovely seafood restaurant, I paused what virtual pets I could pause (ie, White Queen). Since the Pocket Love is unpauseable, I came home and saw that it had 16% compatibility. I decided to let them share one last kiss before sticking a tab back in and resetting them.
December 24th
Today, while my family was watching the new epic movie Titanic, my poor, dear Glinda
passed away. May she rest in peace...
Since I will be busy sleeping and opening presents tomorrow, I don't plan to hatch her egg
(if she laid me one.. I really wanted to see if she would) at the tamagotchi-mailing list
Group Hatching. Maybe I'll hatch her at the New Year's Hatching?
December 25th
Ah, the power and resilience of youth... Despite the fact that she's gone to bed with a dropping near her futon for every night, three nights running, White Queen seems to be doing fine. I usually take her with me everywhere I go, but I keep leaving her in the room at around 9-ish and forgetting about her... Sorry, WQ. On a happier note, she got to see some short, claymation animated films on Creature Comforts, a video collection of some of Aardman's Award-winning short films.
December 26th
I finally got a couple minutes on the computer... I'm now updating as many pages as I can.
Now that I no longer have four v-pets competing for my attention, it's a lot easier to do.
Also, my green dragon now has a name: please visit
his lair to find out what it is.
Later on in the day, White Queen needed discipline. She is now at 75% discipline. I think she needed discipline sometime on Christmas Day as well, since she went to bed with a poop and the call icon on (despite having at least two hearts each.)
December 27th
Today, after watching a Much Music and Musique Plus (like MTV only multicultural and in French,
respectively) special(s) on the BackStreet Boys together, I discovered that White Queen was
sick and needed medicine. Hmmmm... Cause and Effect?
Or maybe dogs just don't like human singing in general. White Queen was otherwise fine...
I may have to hatch her a friend, though. I've also started haunting the Undernet in search of
a tamagotchi chat room, and accidentally started #tamagotchi. Now, if I can just lure some
people here...
December 28th
Nothing much happened. White Queen needed more discipline, and she is now at 100%. She shows
no signs of trauma from yesterday's "Backstreet Boys" incident, nor does she show any signs of
I know the rumour about Pochichi turning into Nyatchi (the cat) is probably a myth, but I was
really hoping....
At my local Drug Store, I found Tamagotchi on sale for 14.88 (normally sells for 19.99). I was tempted to buy the clear one, but I decided not to, as it would be unfair to outnumber Clan Liam (the group name for all the tams that hatch out of my Clear Green Gen1). Now, if I bought a clear blue Gen1, then I'd be justified in buying a clear clear Gen2... Of course, I'd be disowned by my parents and cast out of my house in disgrace...
Oh well.
December 29th
Nothing much is happening, so instead I will whine. I WANT ANGELGOTCHI! I WANT TAMAGOTCHI ANGEL!!! Yesterday (and the day before) I visited www.mar-stev.com and filled in some form which, I assumed, would allow me to purchase a Tamagotchi Angel. Instead I got a screen saying that my info would be "added to the data base". OH NO! Not only is Big Brother watching, he's also controlling the world supply of Angelgotchi!!!
I later pulled the tab out of my King Pet. I immediately got a horrible broken image, so I hurriedly pressed the Magic Restart Button (similar to the Enchanted Reset Button on my computer). I decided to try raising a dinosaur. It hatched from a suspiciously familiar white-with-black-spots egg, into an even more familiar white blob with eyes. I found out, unexpectedly, that the "nibble" does fill up the hunger meter. All these pets raised and I never knew... go figure. Since I lost the history screen when I stuck the tab back in, I'm considering adding a King Pet Wing to my memorial page.
December 30th
Today, I spent some time at some of the Asian Malls in my neighbourhood. I ended up
impulse-buying what I thought was a Japanese Generation 1 tamagotchi (white with black
buttons). Sadly, when I opened the package, I discovered that it was an overseas-program
(also known as the US version, in which the tamagotchi eats bread and becomes a winged "angel"
instead of dying). Grrrr. At least it was a real steal at 10.00 Canadian (Toys R Us still
sells tams for 19.99)
Unfortunately, due to the general hecticness of the day (once I was back from the mall, I had
to prepare fajitas for dinner, after which I had to visit some family friends), White Queen
ended up going to bed with no hearts, and a poop by her futon.
Dino the dinosaur, on the other hand, was doing fairly well. He looks somewhat fish-like now, with a crest on his head and what look like two fins on the bottom of his body. He needed some discipline, and went to bed with at least 25% discipline.
December 31st, New Year's Eve!
Yaaay! New Year's Eve! A day traditionally associated in Japan with... with... well, with helping out mom as she prepares meals for the next three days, really. And also bathing and making the house sparklingly clean.
I plan to celebrate by hatching my two Gen 1 tams at midnight, as part of the tamagotchi-l mailing list Group Hatching. This time, I will experiment with discipline: namely, does it make a difference?
My experiment will involve taking identical care of the two tams, feeding and playing with them at the same time, with one difference: when they act selfishly, one will be scolded, but the other will not. Whatever it was that they wanted when they called (eg. missing hunger/happy hearts) will only be taken care of after the call icon has gone off for Mr. Selfish. Hopefully, this will enlighten us all on the importance of discipline.
Now all I have to do is think of a "Clan Name" for my new tam. The clan names are the group names I assign my tams. The first tam (pink and green) never had a clan name, but my subsequent ones have had names such as:
The Black gen2 tam was actually bought first, and I was going to call it Clan Mutatis, but I ended up giving it away and keeping the pink one, so I switched the names. Incidentally, if/when I get my Angelgotchi, I plan on calling it Clan Worthington (after Warren Worthington III, the Angel in X-men Comics), and naming the individual tams after the angels and demons from Paradise Lost and Ah! Megamisama, an anime/manga series known outside of Japan as "Oh My Goddess".
Dino turned into a dragon-like critter with one fang and two black ears/horns. He shakes his
head all the time... Perhaps it's because of all the carrot/snacks I fed him? My current
King Pet "experiment" is to see what happens when the King Pet gets a snack for every meal
that he eats. So far, it looks like he turns ugly...
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