Well, it's finally here... The New Year, I mean...
I didn't quite manage to hatch the two gen 1 tams at midnight.. I hatched them at 1:15 this morning, instead. And since I messed up slightly, Tigatron (white Gen1) is about a minute behind Pewsey Ogg (clear green Gen1). Also, Pewsey Ogg ended up going to bed with two happy hearts missing, because I kept on losing the game with him. (Outwitted at a guessing game by a baby-chi... How humiliating.) However, I have been feeding them at the same time and playing with them the same number of times.
When I woke up this morning, I revelled in the fact that it was now 1998 for all of two
minutes. Then I fed my tams and fell asleep again. When I next woke up, about an hour
later, White Queen had silently passed on.
I just seem to be no good at taking care of the Gen 2 tams... they never seem to live past the
teenage years.
Later on in the day, Dino turned into a monstrously fat, friendly looking dinosaur that barely even fits on to the screen. This may be because he weighs nearly 50 kgs (about 110 lbs) at age 3. I decided to make him exercise more by playing the ball-dodging game, which I can never win.
January 2nd
Unfortunately, neither Pewsey nor Tigatron have called me since... possibly because I had the sound turned off for both of them. Right now, they are 3 years old and only have 25% (0% for Pewsey) discipline!
Later on in the day, Tigatron and Pewsey got sick, indicating that they'd be a-transforming sometime soon. Interestingly enough, Pewsey called me selfishly twice on his own (ie, even though Tigatron didn't). Tigatron eventually went to sleep with 75% discipline; Pewsey remained at 0%.
January 3rd
Tigatron's discipline went from 75% to 0%: the last two times this happened, my tams turned into the secret characters. I wonder if Tigatron's going to turn into a Bill...
Also, Dino broke/froze, so that none of the buttons work. I had to reset him, which was a pity; he'd just turned into his adult form yesterday (flying white dragon with horn on nose). I "hatched" a cat; the screen started out with the word Cat (with tails on the C and T) and a big cat face. After a while, a cat in a basket mysteriously appeared on screen, and the basket disappeared as soon as I pressed a button. I played the ball-dodging game and managed to win 3 times!
Later on, Tigatron was selfish, so his discipline meter was at 25% when he went to bed.
January 4th
According to the Internet Tamagotchi Club's unofficial book, Pewsey will turn into a Kuchipatchi
or Nyorotchi, due to his lack of discipline. My prediction is that Pewsey will become a
maskuchi, and his twin Tigatron will become either a mamechi or the secret character.
Unfortunately, I was busy watching a re-run of the Simpsons and didn't see my tams fall asleep! They went to sleep with 75% everything (except Pewsey, who had 0% discipline) and a poop!
And they'll be waking up right in the middle of my first class! Aack!
January 5th
Also, the Cat reset itself, so I "hatched" a chicken (starts with egg, eats rice in a bowl and a candy). This soon reset itself as well, so I am currently "playing with" ET the alien.
January 6th
However, I will not consider this experiment officially over until the 10th, in case one of them turns into the secret character.
January 7th
January 8th
January 9th
Sometime around 7 or 8 PM, both Tigatron and Pewsey fell ill, requiring one shot each. I assumed that they would transform tomorrow, and went back to my reading. Sometime 11-ish, I went to "tuck them in", and discovered a sleeping maskuchi (Pewsey) and... a gaijin-chi!
Needless to say, I was rather surprised, and pleased, that my experiment was showing results. I also noticed that Tigatron's discpline had gone up to 100%.
January 10th
January 13th
The good news is that I was able to put up my Babychi/Kodomochi Page and my Mamechi/Mimichi Page. I still need a lot more pics and info for the other pages, though. I should do all right for the Ginjiro/Pochi page, but I've never gotten the Tara/Takochi or Kuchipa/Hashizochi, so I've been sending out little SOS's. Fortunately, at least one person has responded...
My Tamagotchi Horoscope Page is up, but it still needs more pics (Mouse, Ox, etc.). I guess I'll have to comb the web (talk about a mixed metaphor!) again this weekend, or next time that I've got more than 30 minutes spare time.
Wish me luck!
January 17th
My two Secret Characters are doing okay, but because I don't like pausing them, I've
occasionally found them with 2 poops, and once I accidentally let them sleep with a poop each
and a heart each. They got sick on Thursday (15th) or thereabouts as a result.
I did manage to put up individual pages for most of the tama characters except Tara/Takochi and Nyoro/Kusachi. I'm also developing a Tamagotchi Questionnaire to help me improve this section.
The best news of all, of course, is that my Dad came back from Japan! It's snowing like crazy there, so he didn't know if he'd make it to the airport all right... but he did, and he got me a very lovely present (well, actually I had to pay for it)! I plan to give it to my friend for his birthday, which is on the 25th. So I can't say what it is, just in case he drops by this page. But I plan to keep a meticulous journal of that, too... possibly even stealing images from other sites.
January 19th
Tigatron passed on today... he had been getting needier these past couple of days... he even
beeped during one of my classes. Later on in the day, I left my tams alone and tried to
concentrate on class. When I checked them again an hour and a half later, Pewsey Ogg was fine
but Tigatron was... an angel. Farewell, little Tigatron... you weren't the prettiest tam I
ever had, but you were sweet nonetheless.
January 20th
I also visited two different tamagotchi fortune tellers: the one at
Sailmoon's Tamagotchi Place
and the one at MadCow's page.
According to one, my tam is a boy and should be named JJ or James, and will live a long time.
According to the other, it's a girl, and should be named something with a P in it.
I compromised, by calling it James James Morrison Morrison Weatherby George Dupree
(JJ for short).
January 21st
My first response to the Tama Questionnaire was a request for more experiments. I was going to see what happens when you, say, raise one by coddling it and the other by letting it beep for attention, but I think that'll have to wait until Reading Break (week following Valentine's Day) when I have more time to myself. So please, be patient!
PS My King Pet will remain paused until I can afford to take care of it (ie, summer time).
January 22nd
January 22nd
His discipline went from 75% to 50%, which means he probably won't become the secret character (my theory is that the discipline has to go down to 0% each time). To prevent him from becoming the Zuki (a character I like, but one I've already had once... twice if you count the several days it spent as a zuki before becoming the secret character), I'm going to leave JJ at home tomorrow. He went to sleep with 3 hungry hearts and 2 happy hearts: hopefully he'll survive the ordeal.
January 24th
January 25th
After we had some fries, we hatched our Osuchi and Mesuchi! Also cute, if somewhat annoying... I'll put up a separate diary for them, ASAP. I named my Mesuchi Michelle and he named his Pierce, after the two stars of the movie. Interesting fact: the new tams get futons or beds at every stage of development.
January 26th
January 27th
Later: I forgot all about JJ. As a result, I looked in on him at 10:15 and discovered him asleep with a pile of poop by his side. Maybe I should take a break from multiple v-pets and just concentrate on my Mesuchi...
January 28th
January 30th
Farewell, James James Morrison Morrison Weatherby George Dupree.
You were a good little tam, and I'd like to think that you were happy... At least you flew off
with full hearts... (unlike your cousin Pewsey).
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