Nothing, as of yet. I just needed to write something to officially open this page.
February 2nd, 1998
Much excitement on the mateable tamagotchi front. However,
since all of my tams are currently dead, I couldn't do much with them. They were cluttering up
my desk, so I swept them into an old purse that only goes with my summer clothes. Also, a
friend all but agreed to pay for his present to me which I bought a couple days ago.
MWAHAHAHA! For those who didn't read the diary entry, I impulse-bought a bluish
Tamagotchi Angel at my local Electronic Boutique. I have not yet decided when to open it...
I want to open it ASAP and get a ginjiro-tenshi, but I suppose I should at least wait for
Valentine's Day. Also, I will soon be starting my tamagotchi autonomy experiment:
What happens when you always let it beep for attention?
I believe that Clan Liam will yet again be the test subject, while Clan Maximus (white tam)
will be the control (ie, will be utterly coddled).
February 11th, 1998
I was bored, so I went on-line at school and adopted a bunch of literal net-pets... virtual critters that only exist online.
I adopted an adorable kitten at, as well as a puppy from its sister site, The kitten is cuter and easier to take care of than the puppy... the puppy has too many functions that I don't know how to use! Both of these automatically "pause" when you leave the site, and they come with "panic buttons" that take you to another page of your choice (for those special moments when your boss/teacher/parent suddenly peers over your shoulder and says, "So, how's your work coming along?").
The Piglet I adopted at SwineOnline, on the other hand,
is turning out to be sheer heck. You adopt a pig, get some "Hog Money" from Boss Hawg, and
then buy your piglet food, toys, beauty salon makeovers and medical attention. You have a set
amount of money allotted to you, and it's your duty to (by Friday) raise a healthy piglet.
The problem? I used the school computers (Netscape 4.0) to adopt the pig. I tried to do the
same at home (I Explorer 3.03) and was told I needed 4.0! I spent most of the evening
downloading and installing IExplorer 4.0, but the next morning (um... that would be tomorrow...
can you tell I'm writing this at a much later date?) I still got the same message
telling me to download 4.0! Meanwhile, the piglet was sending me increasingly abusive e-mails...
from "I'm hungry! Please feed me" to "Whatsa matter? Forgot how to feed me?!". I think I'll
skip class tomorrow to rescue my poor little piggy...
The final site that I visited was totally unlike the other two...
At Technosphere II, you can
design (from a limited set of parts) your own herbivore or carnivore monster. It roams the
virtual world of Technosphere, eating, killing, and mating with its fellow critters. It's
supposed to e-mail you whenever something major happens (ie, it grows or gets married or dies).
Unfortunately, its server is frequently down, as the folks there have other stuff to do as well,
but it's a gorgeous site, and I think it's quite fascinating. It's also less stressful than
the swine!
February 13th, 1998
Still not much happening on the tama-front...
As for my online pets, I got my first e-mail from my Virtual Carnivore, Wuffles. Apparently, he died of starvation :(.
My pig is doing fairly well... His standing in the pig-raising contest has bounced around, from 72nd place to 150th or so, to 65th last time I checked.
Also, I should be starting my experiments sometime today or tomorrow. I also want to start up my TamAngel, but since it is, technically speaking, a friend's present to me, maybe I should wait until we actually see each other again?
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