February 14th, 1998
Well, I started my Tamagotchi Experiment today... I decided to use the same format as for the osuchi/mesuchi diary, because it's easier to work off-line whenever I have time, rather than spend hours on-line trying to think of the right phrase.
Go to the Observations for Day 1.
I also finished up my character thingies for Tamagotchi Angel.
February 15th, 1998
I was busy for most of today, so the tams spent a lot of time paused. When I got home, I discovered that my dad had succeeded in installing Windows 95! It took him several exhausting weeks, and I just want to say, "My dad's the greatest!" and "Bill Gates is evil!" Of course, this means I'll be downloading tam-related programs like there's no tomorrow... and since we now have IExplorer 4.0, I'll also be trying to adopt a pig again (As you can see, I don't learn very quickly).
Go to the Observations for Day 2.
February 16th, 1998
YAAAAY! An incredibly generous acquaintance/person whom I now worship, who will be getting a
small tropical island as a token of my appreciation when I take over the world, sent me
Fin-Fin, the REAL Computer Creature!
Fin-Fin is an adorable, wild dolphin-bird that lives on the far-off yet strangely familiar
world of Teo.
(A note to Douglas Adams fans: No, there are not any large ice carvings with Slartibartfast's
face on them. A note to Beast Wars Fans: Yes, there appears to be two moons.)
You observe Fin-Fin and the other creatures on his planet in 4 different habitats, and you can
feed him Lemo Fruit at a certain habitat! Fin-Fin sings and loop-de-loops, usually while
keeping an eye on you. I discovered the hard way that his trust of you is very tenuous...
I worked my way up to a little over 50% friendliness, only to have it go down to 0% at night.
This Virtual Creature will take a lot of patience to care for....
Read the Observations for Day 3 of Experimentation
February 18th 1998
Lotsa stuff happened. Here's the somewhat condensed version:
Read the Observations for Day 4
Read the Observations for Day 5
Yaay! My Gen 1 tams morphed into their final forms!
Read the Conclusion to the Tamagotchi Autonomy Experiment
My other v-pets had a more hectic time...
WE APOLOGIZE FOR THE INCONVENIENCE, but I haven't been able to edit my diary at home, so it's
just easier to, say, write out stuff in the Mesuchi Diary entries and upload without bothering
to copy the other vp stuff to this diary. I'm really sorry, but the computers I use at school
can't cut and paste (or at least, so it seems) and I really don't want to write out all
those entries again.
However, for the next couple of weeks I'll be spending a lot of time at school, so I might
have enough time to jot down some interesting entries from time to time.
Between August 29th and September 4th, I worked on re-formatting most of my Virtual Pet Diary
entries, and managed to "recover" non-Mateable Tamagotchi information from
my Wedding Tamagotchi Diaries.
As a result, the tone or content of the newly added entries may seem a little... odd, compared
to my usual writing style. Or not.
February 20th, 1998
Fin-Fin spent most of the day being stalked by me.
Around 8:53am his time, he accepted two Lemo fruits from me, an orange and a red.
When he went to the Tsubu Woods, I noticed some plants that looked like Venus Flytraps.
I wonder if these are the glowing blue plants that I keep seeing at night? At the secret inlet,
a second, greener fin-fin showed up in the water and scolded him!
I think it might have been his wife, since he flew back to his nest a short time after.
At 5:03 pm, the friendliness scale was back at 0%. However, Fin-fin braved the darkening gloom
and rain to accept 3 red fruits from me
*huge grin*
Technosphere II sent me another e-mail noting that Blueberry was "fathering" yet another child.
My Tamagotchi Angel *Holy Bell* prayed for me twice
today, bringing her Deeds meter up to 75% ! I was ICQ-
chatting with CountryMouse when
I heard a funny sound and saw stars twinkling behind her!
(Er.. that is to say, behind HolyBell, not CountryMouse. CM might have also been sparkling at
the time, but I'm not sure.) I immediately panicked and thought "Oh no! I've killed her!",
momentarily forgetting that this was not a first Gen tamagotchi, and that an Angel on a
starfield means something else on a TamAngel. Sure enough, HolyBell was waving her Super
Eternal Cho Marron Tact at me, and her attention icon was lit.
I praised her, and tried to beat her to the toilet icon. Before I could do so, she squatted
down on an omaru (duck- or swan-shaped potty used for the toilet-training of young children in
Japan. The same duck is used as the Flush icon on Gen 1 and 2 tams). She's so cute... Later in
the evening, she went on her very first walk! Or at least, I assume she did; the screen was blank
and the attention icon was on. I called her back in, and she dropped her halo in surprise.
I do wish that Bandai America had had the good sense to keep the half-opened door from
the Japanese version... as well as the Cactus Angel, of course.
February 22nd, 1998
Fin-Fin spent most of the day being ignored, since I was out of the house. Last night, at around 2 or 3 am, I checked out the Tsubu Woods to see if there were any of these nocturnal animals that I keep hearing about, but never get to see. It turned out that, at night, the whole of Planet Teo gets lit up almost as bright as day by moonlight, starlight, and glowing flowers. I didn't see any animals, though.
Technosphere II:
The child that Blueberry "fathered" was born.
My Tamagotchi Angel *Holy Bell* prayed for me twice
today. She was so cute (note the usage of past tense). Then, around 4:57 pm, I heard a fateful
beeping coming from my sleeve (I still have this habit of storing tams in my sweatshirt sleeves,
two per arm. Mostly because my parents don't yet know about my TamAngel, and sleeves are a handy
place to hide contraband). I hurriedly pulled out HolyBell (accidentally dislodging Anaethema
in the process) just in time to see the black and white arrows receding to show... TWIN ANGELS!!!
I'd heard a lot from the tamagotchi-l mailing list about the relative ease (and annoyance) of
getting the Twin Angels Am and Pm, and I was hoping that I'd been able to avoid this. I so
wanted to show my friends how sweet HolyBell looked when waving her wand and praying... and
sitting on her omaru... and looking surprised when coming back from a walk (she took another
one earlier today). Alas, it is not to be.
Am and Pm (I refuse to call them HolyBell...) had their deeds meter drop to 25%, but it
bounced back up to 75% by the time of my writing this. When they pray, they appear to circle
each other. When praised (or angry, etc), Pm's face is enlarged to show its emotions, and then
it shrinks as Am's face enlarges. They do not appear to be potty trained, and just go on the
floor as do the other tams. I feel cheated.
At least their little spell's supposedly good for love-problems...
Their max AP points is now 90.
G1 tams are still chugging along. My big goal now is to make sure than Anaethema survives her teen years. My gingirochi and pochichi always seem to pass on at age 14 to 16, and this time I'd like her to be at least old enough to vote before she Goes Home. Air Razor has been relatively ill-treated; she beeped a couple of times for attention, but I had the sound off and didn't notice. Perhaps I'm getting a little blas? about mamechi...
February 25th, 1998
spent most of the day on his own, since I was at school. Perhaps as a result of that,
he refused to accept any Lemo fruit from me today :( However, at 5:20 pm exactly, I was watching
him (or his silhouette, to be more exact... it was quite dark and drizzly) swimming and dancing
in the Rem River. Then Fin-fin swept down from the sky and joined himself in the water.
...It took me a couple of seconds to realize that one of the Fin-fins must be Finnina, his wife!
I'd never seen her in this location (heck, last time I only saw her head at the Secret Inlet)
and I was elated to watch them twirl and dance around each other and bump noses in the murky
water. Also Fin-Fin's friendliness went up about 0.2 of a unit. Still below 50%, but I'm
getting there... slowly...
Technosphere II sent me the following e-mail:
************************* TechnoSphere Telegram ************************
These are the highlights of Blueberry's (ID 482656) life in
TechnoSphere recently: Blueberry gave birth to BlueberryI (ID 490677).
Blueberry died in the fight it initiated against GreebleI (ID481276).
(Remember, you can leave a short message of remembrance for your
animal by using the Change Obituary tool)
*************************** End Transmission ***************************
*sob, sob* "Why do the good always die so young?!" I will post up Blueberry's final stats as
soon as I find them (ie, sometime tomorrow or Friday night).
Also, since Blueberry's children are all named Blueberry I, I think I'll change at least one
name to Blueberry Pie or something.
My Tamagotchi Angel *Holy Bell* didn't do much today,
except occasionally pray for me REALLY loudly and embarrass me. Also, the lettering on her left
side and the stars, etc, on her right side are disappearing. Lousy Bandai and their lousy lousy
paint jobs....
*good-natured grumbling fades to silence*
And Air Razor (mamechi) has yet again spent a day of beeping for attention and starving.
February 26th, 1998
Fin-Fin was abandoned for all of today. I pray that this does not embitter him.
Technosphere II was down for a while and wouldn't let me access Blueberry's info, or change her babies names.
My Tamagotchi Angel *Holy Bell* came to a rather tragic end. I was demonstrating things like the eating animations, the game, the bat, etc, to a friend. Since it didn't look like HolyBell would be praying any time soon, I decided to show him that neat trick where you turn out the lights on the angel(s) and they get sick. Unfortunately, when I was about to turn the lights back on, the transformation arrows scrolled across the screen. Two big black bands appeared on either side of the screen: in the center, a tiny speck rose towards the top. Then the screen was full of a glittering starfield. Huh! Those ingrates! Didn't even leave a thank-you note... Just kidding. HolyBell will be missed, and I will endeavor to take better care of her sister-in-egg, Noble Scarlet (to be hatched on the weekend).
Air Razor and Anaethema Device spent yet another day beeping for attention. I practically ignore Air Razor nowadays, since I'm more worried about Anaethema; in my experience, the mamechi tend to be hardier and longer-lived than the ginjirochi, and I really want Anaethema to outlive her predecessors.
February 27th, 1998
Fin-Fin was abandoned for most of today.
I visited him around 5 to 6-ish his time, and spent a lot of time singing every song I could
think of to him. Unfortunately, I couldn't remember most of the lyrics
(eg. "Would you know my name/If I saw you in heaven/Would it be the same/If I something in
It must have worked, though, because Fin-fin's friendliness meter went
over 50% for the first time! Kinda sad that it took over a week to get to 50%
(especially since I started at about 40%) but oh well. If I can manage to get myself a cd-rom
drive in the computer in my room, I can spend even more time with Fin-fin, and hopefully raise
the friendliness meter even higher! Also, at 5:33 pm Teo-time, Fin-fin was playing at the Rem
River when I noticed that there was something odd about his tail, and his size. Sure enough,
it was the petite Finnina coming to snuggle and play with Fin-fin! Oddly enough, Fin-fin's
fatigue meter jumped up several notches when Finnina came.
Technosphere II won't let me change Blueberry's babies names, apparently, but it did let me change her obituary. I also got an e-mail from Wowbagger the Ridic (full name: Wowbagger the Ridiculous, but it got cut off), my only herbivore. Apparently it carried someone's baby.
Air Razor passed on today, rather unexpectedly since her sound had been turned off to prevent excessively loud beeping. I checked on her around 9:50 pm and discovered the little angel. I didn't know that mamechi could die so young... Farewell, Air Razor. I truly am sorry.
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