Summary of Update: If anyone cares to read this worthless crap.
Unreal Tournament, and Q3 are fucking bad ass. Good work to all involved.
And I will UT CTF your ass to death if you want.
<<------------plan Old------------->>><------------PLAN> |
Full Plan: *** Ion Storm's Finger Server
User name: erics Plan modified: Wed Dec 08 14:09:53 1999
If anyone cares to read this worthless crap.
Unreal Tournament, and Q3 are fucking bad ass. Good work to all involved.
And I will UT CTF your ass to death if you want.
<<------------plan Old------------->> Drink Water Pee Drink Water Pee Drink Water Pee Drink Water Pee Drink Water Pee Drink Water Pee Drink Water Pee Drink Water Pee Drink Water Pee Drink Water Pee Drink Water Pee
<<------------plan Old------------->> COWBOYS!!!!!!
Boy do I love the Stardust
Eric ------------------------- Games won IIII\ IIII\ IIII\ IIII\ IIII\ II
Matt ------------------------- Games won IIII\ IIII\ IIII\ IIII\ IIII\ II
<<------------plan Old------------->> Ok so there is this great contest out there to see whom can make the best Low Poly model of a hot little slut. I think it’s a good idea and it should be interesting to see what people can come up with. Time to walk the walk instead of just mouthing off all this talk. But I have one big problem with said contest. I guess if you are enough of a “bad ass” to pass into the 2nd round then you get to animate and skin your creation. But it says motion capture Is allowed, what’s up with this? I could get a one legged bag of sand to animate with motion Capture. It’s like having a contest to see who can create the most photo realistic texture and then allowing people to scan in photos. At that point where is the talent required? I know Murphy can animate well, and I would be interested to see what other people could do. But I guess some people are scared for some reason, I don’t know. I just think it is kind of shitty that is all, mean animate your own stuff mankle. Plus I don’t really like the way Motion Captured animation looks on a low poly model anyway, it’s creepy. I feel the animation style needs to fit the character being animated. If you have high poly photoreal characters, like Final Fantasy does, then motion capture looks bad ass. But if you have low poly shit with motion capture animation, it looks like that EA sports commercials with a low poly Barry Sanders running around in the real world. It just doesn’t fit, you have realistic motion on an unrealistic character running around in a most unrealistic world.
So animate your own stuff. Or who cares what your model looks like, your animation skills are part of your bad assedness, so get animating you slaps. hehe
<<------------plan Old------------->> SHIELDS at 2%
<<------------plan Old------------->> When I say 3rd person games sometimes suck, I am talking about Metal Gear Solid, and Resident Evil. Those games have camera flaws that make them a nightmare to play on occasion.
I hear Heretic II fixes this and has a great 3rd person camera. YEAHHHHh.
Speaking of which..why will nobody do a Hair-a-Teck TC for QII. I loved Heretic more than, dare I say, Doom! I couldn't get enough. It is, in my mind, still the best!
Mace w/book through portals :)
Phoenix Rod, people catching on fire.
The only thing that sucked was the Phoenix rod with the book.
So same day on getting on this!!!! Jesus..........I need it mang!!!!
<<------------plan Old------------->> I have decided that Half-Life is more bad ass then Metal Gear Solid.
I have also decided that 3rd person games annoy me because I can never look where I want to. It is annoying to not be able to see things because the camera is blocked by a beam. Or getting shot at from off screen.
That sucks.
<<------------plan Old------------->> Shhh...the DK M-Player Demo is out the door.
<<------------plan Old------------->> BAD ASS..they fixed my name shit...:)
So I have been playin DK DM a lot lately and yesterday we got into a game of Q2. It rocks don't get me wrong, but I found myself being able to dodge missles and shit like never before. I am guessing that the faster pace of DK has uP'ed my reflexes. WaaaACHOW!!!!!
Do you ever have one of those really crappy work deals. Like yesterday I was adding a c-4 "grenade" to the in game 3rd person model, right. So I UView it, and save it, deliver it, and check it in the game and it is all screwed up. So I go load it back in Lighthell and check for 1 and 2 point polys. It tells me there are 4 1 point polys. So I don't know how on earth those single vertexes got converted into polys WITHOUT me using the "points to polys" plug-in. Thanks a lot, thanks for taking 3 hours to fix that crap!
But in the end it rocks..because now..all the weapons can be held be Mikiko, Hiro, and Superfly and it looks BAD ASS!!!!! I love seeing those dudes running around with their weapons In hand.
<<------------plan Old------------->> SOMEONE CHANGE MY TITLE TO LEAD ARTIST - DAIKATANA
Get that DOMINION stuff OFF OF HERE..HELP!!!!!!!!
<<------------plan Old------------->> Jesus I can't stop playing DK deathmatch. I will never get any work done...crap.
I IS ROCK HARD to be working on a game that you actually want to play...that RULES..and makes all the long hours hard core worth it.
<<------------plan Old------------->> Holy..I playd some DK Deathmatch last night..and it was a fucking blast. It actually supprised me. I have been playing the shit out of Half-Life Deathmatch, and I love it. But playing DK DM is a different experience, a lot faster and actually more fun. The weapons look great, and the effects are awsome. I love the Sidewinder missle trail rules..thanks to Justin. Also, the Ion Blaster, which used to be less than exciting to shoot, is now ROCK HARD. It hase a bad ass effect, and the sound rocks..thanks just feels and looks like it is Electro-Ionizing everything in sight.
The DM level is bad ass too. It is like this bad ass base in the rain. We have a great rain effect, and the rain sound makes me want to stay inside..and not go outside. I love it when a level can have that effect on you.
I can't wait until Andrew is able to get the Main... ......oh wait....can't say. But is is going to be bad ass.
We are working to get this mutha BAD ASS..and it is great to see those weapons take their final shape. The team is cranking and I am constantly amazed at how much we have gotten done in the last month or two.
ALSO...Ludo..our French Art Wonder working on one of the Cinematic sets,and it is just plain AWSOME!!!
AND THEN.................whew.....The E1 levels are looking bad ass. The level Bras and Brees have been working round the clock to bring them up to snuff. I can't say enough good things about our level crew, Cris is getting everything bad ass..and the levels are really starting to come to life. I can't wait until we get our trees and stuff in the should look...well...swampy bad ass!!
Hold tight Buddies....
<<------------plan Old------------->> Dudes..I just saw something BAD ASS in DK!!!! HOLY F(*#&&%_@@&$^&*%!!!!!!!!!!!!
<<------------plan Old------------->> I want to go to the top of SHIT HILL!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate my is ruining my fucking life.
Do you ever have one of those days. My life is all screwed up right now. I was at work pretty late last night, went home, slept like a rock, and now I am totally exausted. What gives?
Credit Speech. I say having your credit ruined is good. Why? I can't finance $2000 here $4000 there. It forces you to save and pay cash, never get into hard core debt! BAD ASS!!
<<------------plan Old------------->> Man..Daikatana is getting ROCK HARD! We got this guy..Chris Perna working on skinning stuff, and he RULES!! Wait till you see some of his work. We most recently had the Cerebus remodeled to look more monster like..and the MODEL rules. Well I asked Chris to skin that thing..and it looks TOUGH as hell. The cerberus was one of the first things that was modeled for DK so it was not quite up to snuff...but it is now baby.
<<------------plan Old------------->> Yes dudes. I was sick and now I'm not. That rules....being sick blows!!
<<------------plan Old------------->> This weekend I went to the best party ever. I took in the following mind altering substances.
4 beers 5 rum 'n' cokes 5 GoldSchlager shots
And I didn't get sick..or have a hangover. Does this mean that I am GOD? I think it does, so can you all start calling me God? Ok thanks. |