Luke Whiteside (weasl), Ion Storm, Level Designer, Daikatana, (

Full Update Summary of Update:

with them now. Hopefully whatever "skills" I have will go to good use in making Anox great. The rest of the Anox team

Full Plan:

*** Ion Storm's Finger Server

User name: luke
Plan modified: Fri Feb 23 15:39:26 2001


Luke "weasl" Whiteside
Level Designer
Project Anachronox


The following are my own twisted views.
Oh.. My spelling and grammer blows.

=========== Feb 22, 2001 ================

Hmm.. Guess i've been negleting my .plan file for almost half a year now so I guess it's time to update. The only big
news to happen is my joining the Anachronox Team. That makes me the first none artist Level Designer for Anox in a
long time. On the people side of things i've friends with the Anox guys since I started at Ion and i'm really happy to be working
with them now. Hopefully whatever "skills" I have will go to good use in making Anox great. The rest of the Anox team
has put alot of love into this game and it really shows :)

=========== August 17, 2000 ================

It's been a while but i'm finally updating the plan file. The Daikatana map pack has been out for a bit now,
and people really seem to be digging on it. Glad you guys enjoyed the 4 maps I managed to contribute :)
I got my copy of Chrono Cross yesterday and it's already kicking my ass. After a few hours of sleep i
stumbled back to work. Looking forward to some extended play sessions with this bad boy on the weekend. My
Diablo 2 addiction has now been replaced by my new Chrono Cross addiction. Also on a side note June 28th was
my one year mark at Ion Storm. It's been a long hard ride. It's good to have survived the war ;)