Below is a table with the names, highest AP and the animation’s of each of the Angelgotchi characters. The cartoon images are BanDai's. I made the animation’s, except where noted. Please don't take the animation’s, if you do, I will find out and I will come and hunt you down :) I also included a description on how to get each character, using my own methods. As I find new methods this page will be updated. If you came here straight from another page be sure to check out my main page! Warning: All the information on this page is contained in tables, it may take a few moments to load.
Animation | Name & AP | How To Get |
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Obaketchi US Ship |
Obaketchi is the final death screen on the Japanese P1 and P2. This is the opening screen for Angelgotchi. In five minutes after setting the timer, this ghost will change into a Babitchi spirit, Obaketchi 2. US Ship is the last screen on the death scene for the US P2 version. This is the opening screen for the US version of Angelgotchi called Tamagotchi Angel. In five minutes after setting the timer, this ship will change into a Babitchi spirit, Obaketchi 2. |
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Obaketchi 2 Highest AP: 30 Sleeps: Nap Only |
Obaketchi 2 is the Babitchi stage of Angelgotchi. For an hour and 20 minutes this guy will constantly need your attention, wanting lots of food, games and he will take a nap. This character will not take any walks.
It is rumored that one can get a Unchi-Kun from this stage that one can play with and feed. This is unverified. You will know if you are going to get this Unchi-Kun if your Obaketchi 2 stays longer then a few days. But this is unverified, it is said it happens by luck of the draw. See below for info on Unchi-Kun. |
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Maruten Highest AP: 50 Sleep: 8pm - 8am |
Maruten comes from the Babitchi, Obaketchi 2. Maruten is the second part of the Babitchi stage. This stage determines what Kodomotchi (teenage/child) character you will get. If you treat it well and keep the AP high, you will get Kodoten. If you keep the AP below 5 and mostly at 0 while treating it poorly, you will get Takoten. This character will take a couple walks a day, keep an eye out for it will slip back in and you won't know it even left. When it does a good deed, it will not beep for you, just keep checking on it often and if the attention light is on and Maruten is looking straight at you smiling, then you will know it needs praise. If you are working on getting the unhealthy child character, Takoten, it is best not to praise at all because the deeds meter and the AP goes up when you praise it. |
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Kodoten Highest AP: 60 Sleep: 8pm - 8am |
Kodoten is the healthiest character in the Kodomotchi (teenage/child) angel stage. It takes a couple of walks a day, and still does not beep when it does a good deed for praise. This character mainly has the ability to change into two adults. The first adult being Kuriten (a.k.a. Chestnut Angel). To get Kuriten from this character you must treat it well. Keep the AP as high as possible, never letting it drop to zero and take very good care of it, always praising it when possible. The second adult character you can get from Kodoten is Ginjirotenshi (a.k.a. Ginjirotchi Angel). To get Ginji Angel it is very important for you to let the AP drop to zero and never again feed it candy in this stage. Don't ever praise it in the stage, as that makes the AP go up. Neglect is the key here. Take very poor care. Don't fill the hearts to 4, always only fill it 2 hearts or 1 heart. Only pay attention to it when it calls for you. Neglect is the key to getting Ginji Angel. If you succeeded in keeping the AP at 0 and neglecting Kodoten well, you will get Ginjirotenshi. |
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Takoten Highest AP: 60 Sleep: 8pm - 9am |
Takoten is the unhealthier character and comes from poor care of Maruten. It empties hearts a little faster then its counterpart, Kodoten, does. It will take a couple of walks a day and still will not beep when it needs to be praised. From this character you can get 3 adults. The first adult being Pukuten (a.k.a. Chubby Angel). To get Pukuten simply take perfect care. Keep the AP as high as possible, always praise it and keep all the hearts full. Always care for it before it beeps. Most important part is keeping that AP at maximum. The next adult character you can get is Taraten. To do this simply get Takoten, then keep the AP between 36 and 39, fill to 39 let it drop to 36 then repeat. During which take average to good care. Don't ever give praise. After he poops after asking for praise you will need to fill up the AP again because it always drops if you don't give the praise when it's called for. Keep treating it like this and you should get Taraten, it's how I did it! :) The final adult you can get from Takoten is Oyajitenshi. This guy is the most unhealthy guy you can get (aside from secret characters). To get him is simple. Keep the AP at 0, never ever give him candy or praise him, as praising causes the AP to go up. Always let him beep for you before you fill any hearts. Fill only 1 or 2 hearts, never fill him up all the way on happy or hunger. Treat him poorly and neglect him. Treating him bad and keeping the AP at 0 is the key to getting this guy. |
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Kuriten Highest AP: 80 Sleep: 9pm - 8am |
Kuriten (a.k.a. Chestnut Angel) is the most healthy adult character. One is only able to get this character from Kodoten. It takes a couple of walks per day and will beep at you when it needs praise. How many times it needs praise and takes walks depends on age. The older the character, the more often it walks and does good deeds. To get this character you must treat Kodoten perfectly, keeping the AP as high as possible, always taking care of before it beeps, and praising it as much as possible. AP being most important as well as good care. From this character you can get a secret character. The secret character is named Futagotenshi (a.k.a.. Angel Twins). It is quite easy to get this secret character. Simply continue on with the perfect care, high AP and praising as much as possible. |
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Ginjirotenshi Highest AP: 70 Sleep: 10pm - 9am |
Ginjirotenshi (a.k.a. Ginjiro Angel) is the second adult character and comes from the teenage character, Kodoten. Ginji Angel will take walks a couple of times a day and will beep for praise. How many times it needs praise and takes walks depends on age. The older the character, the more it walks and does good deeds. You can get this character really easily. First get Kodoten. It is very important for you to let the AP drop to zero and never again feed it candy in that teenage stage. Don't ever praise it in that stage, as that makes the AP go up. Neglect is the key here. Take very poor care of Kodoten. Don't fill the hearts to 4, always only fill it 2 hearts or 1 heart. Only pay attention to it when it calls for you. Neglect is the key to getting Ginji Angel. If you succeeded in keeping the AP at 0 and neglecting Kodoten well, you will get this cute character. To my knowledge, no secret characters can come from Ginjirotenshi. |
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Pukuten Highest AP: 60 Sleep: 10pm - 9am |
Pukuten (a.k.a. Chubby Angel) comes from the unhealthy teenage character, Takoten. Pukuten will take a stroll a couple of times a day and will beep for praise. How many times it needs praise and takes walks depends on age. The older the character, the more it walks and does good deeds. To get this character is quite simple. To get Pukuten simply take perfect care while in the Takoten stage (unhealthy teen). Keep the AP as high as possible, always praise it and keep all the hearts full, in that stage. Always care for it before it beeps. Most important part is keeping that AP at maximum. If you did it right, Takoten will change into Pukuten. This character changes into a secret character. Or so I'm told. Whom the secret character is, depends on what version of Angelgotchi/Tamagotchi Angel you have. The Japanese version has the character Sabotenshi (Cactus). The US version has the Smiling Angel. To get the above secret character I have been told to take awful care, let the AP drop to 0, take really poor care, don’t praise. I haven't managed to get the Smiling Angel/Sabotenshi from Pukuten, no matter what method I use, so I'm begining to think it's not true. I will make a brief note that Sabotenshi/Smiling Angel secret character, can change into another secret character, the Lucky Unchi-Kun. See below for more info. To put some complexity into this character you can also get another secret character from this adult. As with Kuriten, you can get Futagotenshi (Twin Angels). To get the twins, simply take perfect care of Pukuten. Keep the AP as high as possible, always praise always give perfect care. I have had the Twins through this character, so if you treated Pukuten right, you will get Futagotenshi. |
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Taraten Highest AP: 50 Sleep: 9pm - 9am |
Taraten comes from the unhealthy teen character, Takoten. Taraten will take a stroll a couple of times a day and will beep for praise. How many times it needs praise and takes strolls depends on age. The older the character, the more it walks and does good deeds. I figured it out and finally got this character on my Angelgotch! To get him I simply did this. I first got the unhealthy character, Takoten. When I got him, I took average to good care, sometimes 2 hearts empty on each, sometimes only one empty on each and once I let it call for attention. The moment he changed and the most important aspect in this stage is I kept the AP always between 36 and 39. It only dropped below that two times, and that was when it asked to be praised, in which I refused to do. Once it pooped I highered the AP back to up to 39, letting it fall down to 36, then filling it back up to 39 again. I kept up this process for the 24+ hours it was in this teen stage untill he changed today at 1:07pm. He was at 37 AP, 3 years, one heart empty on each happy and hunger, and it had 25% deeds (I didn't give it that, it was that when it changed from Takotchi). I never gave him priase the whole time he was in any of the stages. This is the method I used and it worked! The Sabotenshi/Smiling Angel does come from this character! I got him from Taraten at the age of 5 years. The way I got him was simply take average to bad care. Only filled up the hearts to half way, always let him beep before I gave him anything. Never praised, never gave him any AP. Then it only took a couple of days and he changed into Sabotenshi. See below for animation. |
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Oyajitenshi Highest AP: 40 Sleep: 11pm - 10am |
Oyajitenshi is the most unhealthy Angel character (Aside from secret characters). Oyajitenshi comes from the unhealthy teen character, Takoten. Oyajitenshi will take a stroll a couple of times a day and will beep for praise. How many times it needs praise and takes strolls depends on age. The older the character, the more it walks and does good deeds. To get this character is very simple. You will need to get the unhealthy teen character, Takoten. When you get him, keep the AP at 0, never ever give him candy or praise him, as praising causes the AP to go up. Always let him beep for you before you fill any hearts. Fill only 1 or 2 hearts, never fill him up all the way on happy or hunger. Treat him poorly and neglect him. Treating him bad and keeping the AP at 0 is the key to getting Oyajitenshi. Even thought he is the most unhealthy, you still can get a secret character from him. The secret character is Otonoten. It is pretty simple to get that guy as well. Simply take perfect care of Oyajitenshi. Keep the AP as high as possible, always praise when possible, always take care of before it beeps for you, be very good to him. |
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Futagotenshi Highest AP: 90 Sleep: 10pm - 8am |
Futagotenshi comes from the healthiest character, Kuriten and Pukuten. It is the 'healthiest' secret character. Futagotenshi will take a stroll a couple of times a day and will beep for praise. How many times it needs praise and takes strolls depends on age. The older the character, the more it walks and does good deeds. To get this secret character you will need to get Kuriten or Pukuten first. When you get Pukuten or Kuriten, then take perfect care of them. Keep the AP high as possible, always care for before it beeps, always praise when possible, take really excellent care. AP and care being most important. In most cases, this is a final adult form and will not change after it reaches this stage. |
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Sabotenshi or Smiling Angel Highest AP: 90 Sleep: 11pm - 10am |
Sabotenshi/Smiling Angel. Whom you get depends on the version of Tamagotchi you have. The Japanese version is Sabotenshi, the cactus. The US version is the Smiling Angel. When I got Sabotenshi I got him from Taraten. He was 5 years old when he changed. How I got him was this. Simply take bad care of Taraten, don't give any AP, only take average to bad care, thus only filling up to two hearts, then letting them go empty and wait for his call before you fill him up half way again. The key here seems to be neglect, not total neglect, but enough where it's not excellent care. This character changes into another secret character, the lucky Poop, or Lucky Unchi-Kun on the Japanese version. How this occurs has been rumored to be from bad care. Note: The Sabotenshi/Cactus image to the left is the animation I did recently of him and it is accurate. The funny thing is, he does that same animation for *everything* he does, no matter what it is! The Smiling Angel image I beleive I got from Aurora Minui's VP Page. I only borrow it to show others what Smiling Angel looks like, I take no credit for that animation, I don't even know if it's accurate. When I get this character I will make my own animation. |
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Otonoten Highest AP: 40 Sleep: 11pm - 10am |
Otonoten comes from the most unhealthy character, Oyajitenshi. It is the most 'unhealthy' secret character. Otonoten will take a stroll a couple of times a day and will beep for praise. How many times it needs praise and takes strolls depends on age. The older the character, the more it walks and does good deeds. This character being more unhealthy will tend to be more needy when it changes. This is a secret character to get him, you must have Oyajitenshi. Simply take perfect care of Oyajitenshi. Keep the AP as high as possible, always praise when possible, always take care of before it beeps for you, be very good to him. Most importantly is the AP and care in general. In most cases, this is a final adult form and will not change after it reaches this stage. It is said that if one is to get the Debirutchi (Deviltchi), this is the character it is likely to come from. But only from terrible care taking. See below. |
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Lucky Poop or Lucky Unchi-Kun Highest AP: ? Sleep: ? - ? |
Lucky Poop/Lucky Unchi-Kun is the secret secret character that comes from the secret character Sabotenshi/Smiling Angel. It is said that Unchi-Kun cannot be played with or fed. It is on the screen and does nothing. If you push the "B" button it will go home. It is said that when you have this character on your Angel, it will bring the owner good luck. So it's best not to send it home, until you are ready to hatch another! I have gotten much feedback on this character. Many people have gotten him by accident it seems. I've never gotten him by skill, but I have followed the advice of many people and got my first lucky Unchi-Kun only in early September 99. The advice I've been giving is hard to beleive at first. I have been told several times to start up an Angel and just put it away for 4-5 days and don't touch it, don't push any buttons, don't care of it at all! After about a week it will change into Unchi-Kun. Many said they'd forget their little friend at home over the weekend or other such example and when they'd return they'd have the lucky Poo. I was skeptical at first too, but I finally tried it and what do you know? It worked! So I guess if you really want this guy, you won't be able to play with him and when you push the middle button he will go home, but if you want him, then just leave your Tama alone for a week and check later and see what you have - you may have been lucky enough to get him. One other thing I must note about this character. It is rumored that there is one other way to get this character. It is rumored that if you are lucky (it is merely luck of the draw), you can get a Lucky Unchi-Kun from the Babitchi character Obaketchi 2. While this is unverified, it is said that a couple of owners have hatched their Angels and instead of Obaketchi changing after an hour and 20 minutes into Maruten, it continues it's life. I am told that it will live for 4-8 days in the Babitchi stage, being needy as always, but going on walks, pooping, needing praise and everything a normal adult needs. After a certain amount of days in this stage I am told it will change into Unchi-Kun. Only instead of it just being good luck, it will be an Unchi-Kun that you can play with, feed and will essentially 'live' until it dies, instead of being at the death stage already, like after Sabotenshi. Now this is rumor totally and very unverified, so don't ask me about it because I really don't know anymore about it. Note: The Japanese image is just a still animation I did, I just drew him out in pixels, the actual animation will be on the page, when I eventualy get this character. The American image I drew when my friend got this character. I have yet to get Lucky Poo. |
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Debirutchi Highest AP: ? Sleep: ? - ? |
Debirutchi or Deviltchi is the most unhealthy character possible. It is said that one can actually play, feed, etc. with this character. I've been told it can come from any character, but the only reports I have heard is that it comes from Otonoten the secret character and only after really really bad care, like piling up of poop and no attention for hours. One clue you may have is before you get this character it will be sick and you will have to keep giving it medication and it won't stop taking medication and eventually you will see it change into this form. While I only know people whom have got Debirutchi from Otonoten, it may be true that with enough neglect you can get it from any character. Of course, that's only what I've heard and still don't know about the above. I have had this character and did not get him with any of the above information. I have had him only once and I got him on my blue Japanese Angelgotch. This is how I got him: After the baby hatched I put it on mute for it's entire hour, ignoring it. I played the game with it once and filled the hunger hearts to two. Then I ignored it for the remainder of that hour untill it changed into Maruten. I left it alone for several hours and later before it went to bed played one game with it and filled it two hearts on hungry. It went to bed, I didn't turn out the lights. On the second day I left it alone for several hours before I played one game and again filled its hungry hearts up half way. That day it changed into the unhealthy teen character, Takoten. An hour before Takoten went to bed I played one game with it and again filled the hungry hearts half way. It went to bed in poop with the lights out on day two. It woke up and I cleaned up it's poop late in the afternoon and played one game and filled two hungry hearts on the third day. Well late on the third day he changed into the adult Oyajitenshi. I ignored him for the remainder of the night and again I did not turn out the lights. On the 5th day I ignored him completely, not giving him anything. That night he went to bed with a skull beside him. On the 6th day he woke up with the scull beside him and about 2 hours after he woke up I gave him 7 injections, curing his illness. I did not play or feed him though. 3 hours later when I looked at him I found he had changed into Debirutchi. That's how I did it. |