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Welcome to my newest logs of Mesutchi & Osutchi. Written separately from my Tama Logs, this log covers my experience from day to day I experience with my Mesutchi & Osutchi. The hatching date began on September 29th, 1998. The Tama's them selves came from Japan and I read no Japanese so I took advice from what I have read on web pages and on the Tama List. This log and on will depict my second hatched pair of Mesutchi and Osutchi, after my first pair died. Note: It might be good to read Mesutchi & Osutchi Information before you read this page, unless you have a pair and know what I'm talking about! :) I made most of the images on this page, please don't take them. If you choose to steal them anyway, don't link directly to my server, please upload to your own server.
December 6th, 1998, Sunday: The parents did leave the Kakutchi only a couple of nights ago. Since I have made the animation of them and over the past 5 days they have actualy have changed a few times.
Kakutchi![]() |
Kakutchi Gen2 Babitchi:"His eyes and his body are so angular, you'd think his personality would be "square" as well. But he really has a well-rounded, kindly heart. If someone asks him to do a favour, he'll even postpone his own important stuff to carry out the favour!" - Japanese translation from Mesutchi & Osutchi HQ
This babitchi I got on both Tama's after the parents mated and they left 2 nights lator. The TMP stayed at 1 crown as they are the most unhealthy characters on the chart for this generation in babitchi that is. The discipline went to 0% on both of them and when they woke up the next day they were all empty on everything. I decided I would try to treat them better then I have been so I have kept the weight down and I disciplined them to 50%, but stopped at 50%.
I really like these kakutchi babies. They are sooo very cute. I know from the animation you can't tell, but when they get happy their eyes get huge and their mouths open up really wide in a sort of side view.. its REALLY cute :)
Well.. it's been a long work week, but 2 days ago they did change into the second part of the Babitchi stage. Even though I was taking pretty decent care of them they changed into the unhealthy characters, not that I expected them to jump to another TMP in this stage anyway. I do hope they jump in the adult stage, I'd like to get the Mimitchi characters. Anyway, they became Currypantchi this time.
CurryPanTchi![]() |
Currypantchi Gen2 Babitchi:"He doesn't talk much, but when he does it's usually a cutting remark that goes straight for the heart. His name and shape are yummy-looking and slightly bun-like, but it seems he prefers canned food." - Japanese translation from Mesutchi & Osutchi HQ
He's really cute :) He only stayed in this form for a little less then 2 days, but very cute, I love watching him bob up and down across the screen :)
When he changed into this form his discipline went to 25% and the TMP remained at 1 crown, again. They both changed within 20 minutes of each other, but not that close together in Tama time, consitering one day to us is one year to them :)
Right before I was prepairing to write this log today, at 2:30 my Mesu and Osu already advanced into their Kodomotchi (teen/child) stage.. so I'm gonna go make the animations, I'll be back soon.
Okay I'm back... i made the new animations for this next stage. They changed into the teen characters of this generation.
Pirolirotchi![]() |
Pirolirotchi Gen2 kodomotchi:"He always acts on his impulses, so he keeps on making mistakes and having bad luck. Everyone keeps telling him to think before he acts, but he says he's just no good at planning ahead!" - Japanese translation from Mesutchi & Osutchi HQ
The male changed first. His weight went up to 20 units and his TMP remained at 1 crown still. His discipline went down to 0% this time.
Pirolintchi![]() |
Pirolintchi Gen2 kodomotchi:"Whether in matters of love or general decision-making, she's a little wishy-washy, so while she's tring to make up her mind she always loses her chance and is left behind. Falling in (and out of) love... Going on diets... A young tam-girl's problems are endless!" - Japanese translation from Mesutchi & Osutchi HQ
She changed almost a full hour after he did! I was surprised it took so long, but then again I've seen longer in a previous generation. The same thing happened with her; her weight went to 20 units, her discipline went to 0% and her TMP remained at 1 crown.
I have decided to give them both discipline as much as I can untill it gets full or untill they change... I don't know if this will effect anything at all or not, but I shall see :)
They both went to bed tonight at 9pm.....
Pirolirotchi Sleep![]() |
Pirolintchi Sleep![]() |
December 9th, Wednesday: Yesterday Mesutchi and Osutchi changed again, this time into adult form. Mesutchi changed into Birukotchi and Osutchi changed into Biruotchi, a matching adult couple.
Biruotchi![]() |
Biruotchi Gen2 Osutchi:"His favourite hobby is whale-watching. If he's going to date someone, he's already decided that it'll have to be a nice girl who'll go whale-watching with him. Gotta love those whales!" - Japanese translation from Mesutchi & Osutchi HQ
The male changed, again, before the female by only about 30 minutes this time. When he changed his discipline went down from 100% to 50%. They changed during my lunch hour at work yesterday.
Birukotchi![]() |
Birukotchi Gen2 Mesutchi:"She's very quiet and thoughtful, and her hobbies are reading and composing tanka [a Japanese form of poetry, similar to a haiku but longer]. Those tanka are the kind that really gets to a girl-tam's heart, and they're quite popular among the Mesuchi!" - Japanese translation from Mesutchi & Osutchi HQ
She latter changed as well, they are both the bottom of the chart characters, but hopefully are still mateable, I believe they are. She is the same with discipline, went down to 50% after the change.
I decided after the change I would discipline the male, but not the female, making it a 50% discipline (female) and 75% discipline (male) mating situation.
Since I am on day two, they are able to mate right now in fact. So, instead of waiting for another day to slip by I'm just gonna mate them right now.
Alright, done to the music of Madonna ("Forbidden Love"), it's time to pull off the covers and see what little babies these guys can produce! :)
I turned on the music and connected them at the top. I watched for a minute as they did what I call their 'mating dance' before I pushed "B" on the male and they slowly slid off the screen in response. After a few seconds they returned back with the word "OK" next to each, indicating that they are connected and ready to mate. By pressing "B" again on the male the screen blacked out in a rectangle pattern and cleared just the same. They both got very happy after this and danced back and forth across their screens with their big mouths open (they have many large teeth! so cute!). Soon the male watches in anticipation as the female sits motionless for quite sometime. Soon she goes into the corner and has the twin babies, one at a time. The babies turn out to be Generation 3 babitchi, PetitChocotchi. Much excitement through action and beeping occurs here as the babies hop around the screen. Soon enough the female points at the male baby and demands he goes to his father. So the PetitChocotchi hops off her screen and appears in the Osutchi Tama with his father. Again much happiness is displayed and soon they embrace their children.
Then they go silent.
I separate them and put the covers back on, the mating has been completed. Mind you, they have 2 crowns on the TMP meter now :) They are now doing fine and well with their little babies and will be heading to bed at 10pm tonight.
Tuesday, December 15th, 1998: Too long no write, eh? Sorry about that, been so very busy IRL lately. Today I did some major updating, though ;)
Since my last entry, that was so long ago, much has happened. The parents did leave the children at midnight a while back. So Petitchocotchi was left on their own with me to take care of them.
PetitChocotchi![]() |
PETIT-CHOCO-CHI: "S/he loves sweets and candies, and adores chocolate in particular. S/he'd better be careful of cavities and over-eating."- Japanese translation from Mesutchi & Osutchi HQ
They were left all alone and when they woke up they were all empty on everything. I though it was weird the parent would leave them all unhappy. But when I think about it I think they are unhappy and hungry because the parent is gone. Maybe sad and maybe a bit lonely and thus need attention to feel better about the loss and go on with life? Or maybe I'm just looking too far into this ;)
At this point I was taking average care. I kinda figured I'd just end up with Kabutchi and Pipotchi again. No complaints here, I rather like Kabutchi a whole lot. It wasn't but a little over 24 hours when these little guys changed. They both changed within 20 minutes of each other.
Mizutamatchi![]() |
Mizutamatchi baby Gen3: "Even though Mizutamachi is only a child, s/he knows all the rumors about who's going out with whom in the Adultchi world. S/he may look cute, but s/he really quite precocious!"- Japanese translation from Mesutchi & Osutchi HQ
This is the second part of the baby stage in Gen3 with teen and adult the next two. In a last ditch effort to maybe get something other then what I thought I'd end up with, I took rather bad care of them in this stage. After all last time when I took bad care in this stage I got different teen characters. So I figured why not. I let the hearts drop all the way before I cared for them, I gave no discipline from the already 0% they had and paid as little attention to them as I could without killing them.
So a few days pass and I'm still taking bad care. I even let them get overweight. I'm still unsure if weight *really* effects them or not, so as typical bad care, I just fed snacks now and again.
Well... this has been my day off in which I have sat at the computer over 7 hours long now to fix/update/modify/etc my web site because I have fallen behind. During which in the early morning hours my Mesu and Osu both changed. Instead of getting the teen characters of Gen3, I instead got the teen characters that I had before from Gen2.
Pirolirotchi![]() |
The Osutchi changed first again. He changed about 15 minutes before Mesutchi did and into the above form, to my surprise.
Pirolintchi![]() |
Then Mesutchi changed into this character. The discipline on both went to 25% and I might just discipline then as far as I can before they change again in hopes of getting another character other then the adult I got not so long ago from these two characters.
Right now on the TMP meter for Mesutchi it reads 2 crowns and 4th generation. The TMP on the Osutchi reads 2 crowns and 8th generation. I shall see where they go from here in a couple of days. I'd be great to get the Mimitchi characters, but I'm prolly hoping for too much.
Sunday, December 20th, 1998: Well.. I think I've been slacking on this log because I got the same characters again! A simple repeat of generations. No less I got the same two adults this time around.
Birukotchi![]() |
Birukotchi Gen2 Mesutchi:"She's very quiet and thoughtful, and her hobbies are reading and composing tanka [a Japanese form of poetry, similar to a haiku but longer]. Those tanka are the kind that really gets to a girl-tam's heart, and they're quite popular among the Mesuchi!" - Japanese translation from Mesutchi & Osutchi HQ
There was a differant this time around... the female changed before the male. Which was a first in a long time. She only changed one minute before he did though. I was in the shower at that time heh. I recall some disapointment :P
Biruotchi![]() |
Biruotchi Gen2 Osutchi:"His favourite hobby is whale-watching. If he's going to date someone, he's already decided that it'll have to be a nice girl who'll go whale-watching with him. Gotta love those whales!" - Japanese translation from Mesutchi & Osutchi HQ
No less they did change into those characters on Friday evening. Well Saturday LeAnne came over to spend the weekend here. So that evening we had them mate. She wanted to hold the male and I held the female. I don't mind either way, though i do find the female more entertaining, as she's the one that actualy delivers the babitchi.
As we held them together and watch the sequences go along I predicted it in my mind and the prediction was right. The babitchi where of gen3 type.
This time, I decided I was going to take good care of the babitchi when the parents leave. I want them to go into the 3rd gen adults and get away from this gen2 area for a bit. I've only had them for one night, and I beleive they will be leaving me Monday night. Let's hope from there I will get something differant. I wouldn't mind having sweet Kabutchi around for Christmas :)
January 1st, 1999: It has been some time since I have written in here, but no worry, not much has happened. Let me tell it from the top though. The adult Mesu and Osu left the gen3 Babitchi only 3 nights after mating. At that point I chose to take as good care as I possibly could, always disciplining. Well they grew into the second part of the Babitchi stage, becoming Mizutamatchi. It was in this stage I got worried because I laxed in care on a few days because I was busy with work. Since often this is the determining stage of what teens of what generation I will get I took extra good care of them for their remaining days as MizuTamatchi. Soon, they did change and yes into the 3rd generation teens, Propellertchi and Batabatchi! I was one happy care taker! The problem with this week came early Saturday morning at 3am. I got sick, I through up... for some reason my health left me. I was up all night and by mid afternoon it became obvious that I was having a hard time taking care of myself, yet alone my Tama's. I put Mesu and Osu on pause in their teen stage. I wanted to get Kabutchi back and I was determined not to mess it up. The only way around this was pausing. This also put me very behind on my web site.
It turns out that I got the flu and was in bed for a good part of this week. I did finally unpause them on Thursday morning because I finally felt well enough to be a good care taker for them. They were quiet for most of the day and through out New Years eve. Today when I got up I was invited to play games and such. So while playing, I heard them beeping for me and it turned out that they changed! They were beeping for discipline so I missed the changing I guess. But no less they changed into Pipotchi and Kabutchi! Long time no see.. not a bad way to start out 1999 either.
Kabutchi![]() |
Kabutchi: "Kabuchi just wants to meet and fall in love with the kind of girl who can make him feel happy and at ease just by being near. He's a bit of a dreamer and romantic, isn't he?"- Japanese translation from Mesutchi & Osutchi HQ
Pipotchi![]() |
Pipotchi: "This sweet little "cupid" is the kind of girl who's busy helping her friends "get together"... So before she knows it, she's the only one without a boyfriend! Someone please introduce her to a nice guy that deserves her!"- Japanese translation from Mesutchi & Osutchi HQ
So right now it is them whom I have for the moment. Tomorrow I will mate them and I guess I'll probably end up with those Mametchi characters? I don't know.
January 27th, 1999: It's been a long long time. I haven't actualy been like running Mesu and Osu and forgetting to type in here or anything. In fact they have spent most of the past 2 weeks on pause because I've been on a sort of vacation. Anyways, let me give an update since I last wrote.
I did mate them the next day. They did get the gen4 Babitchi, PetitTaratchi. Now once the adults left I treated them both well throughout the baby stage untill the Harutchi's changed into their teen stage.
Pyukichi![]() |
Kuribochi![]() |
They went into the teen stage for Gen4. It was here that I decided to change my care taking. Since this seems to be the determining stage more often then not.. I decided to take good care of Mesutchi, while neglecting Osutchi. While I did not mean for things to get really extreme.. once my company got here I accidently neglected really really bad. It was several days untill these two changed form and I tried my best to continue the differant caretaking between them without neglecting too much. I fear though, that I did too much of a bang up job in neglecting my Osutchi.
A couple of weeks ago they both changed. The Mesutchi changed into the Gen4 adult, ChoHimetchi...
ChoHimetchi![]() |
Now while I did get the character I wanted on the Mesutchi, I have rather differant news about my Osutchi.
I can't seem to find the name of the guy online that I got on my Osutchi and in fact this guy will never have kids. I guess I took really awfull care of Osutchi and I regret the mistake because he became the unmatable character. Here is the animation I did of him...
Not Mateable![]() |
This guy eats cake for his main meal and the snack is some sort of bottle that pops open.. maybe medication? He is 9 years old today and on the TMP meter it reads 4 crowns and 10th generation. Unfortuntily this will be his last generation. I've had them going since September... now I was stupid, so it will stop here, this time. Along the same lines ChoHimetchi does not have a mate anymore, so she will pass on without producing children as well. ChoHimetchi has 4 crowns and 6th generation on her TMP meter. I have the choice of saving this family by starting another Osutchi or letting the current one pass on and starting him again, while leaving Mesutchi paused. But I think that I am going to let them pass on. Not because I'm sick of them or anything like that, but I'm thinking of working on a project involving another Japanese Tama. So for now, I'll let them continue living and see what happens.
My fellow that isn't able to mate went to bed tonight at 11pm, unlike ChoHimetchi that went to bed at 10pm.
Osutchi![]() |
February 1st, 1999, Monday: Okay... we all knew it would happen right? Well, it did, unfortunitly. That unmateable young stud passed away on me. It was Saturday night, I was working on my page right here.. and then I heard it. Strange beeping. I look at my Tama's and there he is. He is sitting on the screen with a sad screen. I listened to his heart beat on. This was only the second or third time I've seen a Mesu/Osu die. It's unusual because they live on so long. Well poor Osutchi was sitting there and suddenly the beeping ceased. He stood there still. Then he apeared on the left side of the screen and on the right he layed an egg for me! Even though he is probably the most unhealthy character he left me an egg. I don't know if they all do it, I guess they probably do. Either way this guy did. And as fast as it happened he was gone like that.
When the ghost apreared on the screen I pushed the 'A' button and it brought me to the status screen where it showed his age and weight and TMP settings. He died at age 11, only a few hours before he was to sleep that night. His TMP read 4 crowns and 10 generations. I recall the female dying during his generations so I rehathced her to continue his generations on. But I decided that this will not be the case this time around... Fairwell little Osutchi...
Osutchi Grave![]() |
Osutchi Spirit![]() |
February 4th, 1999: Well the life and times of Mesutchi as ChoHimetchi continued on after the death of her late boyfriend, the un-mateable Osutchi (what is that guys name.. I may never know). Chohimetchi was not needy nor wanting of much of anything.. it almost came as a surprise to me to find that she passed away without getting needy. She was only alone for 3 ½ days when she passed away. Alone away from her boyfriend that is. She died on Tuesday, the 2nd. The sad part is, not only did she die without her boyfriend, but she died without me as well. I was in another area of the office at the time of her departure.. I came back and saw her gone. I'm sad that I wasn't there for her in the end, I hope she wasn't upset at me for leaving her alone. She left when I was only gone for about 2 or 3 minutes... it was surprising she chose to leave at that moment. Maybe she wanted to die alone? I don't know.
Either way my little friend is gone. Her death age is 15, her weight is 62 units.. and TMP reads 4 crowns and 6 generations. Poor little gal. We shall meet again, though.
Mesu Grave![]() |
Mesutchi Spirit![]() |