Nyorochi and his Gen 2 compadre Kusachi are, quite possibly, the saddest creatures in the
Tamagotchi Universe. In the English Packaging, they are maligned as "ugly" "mean" "unattractive
alien[s]". They are rather sickly, don't live very long, and seem less popular than the
Ginjirotchi, and Mamechi, and well, pretty much all of the other characters.
Most unofficial tamagotchi guide books are rather harsh on the owners of nyorochi and kusachi,
implying that they were in some way abusive or neglectful parents. I disagree, though (and not
just because I got this character, either.) While some books I've seen have cute little charts
explaining what your character says about you, few are so simplistic as to say "This tam is low
on the chart, so you must be scum."
People who get Nyorochi and Kusachi are probably busy people. They aren't necessarily neglectful;
my nyoro, for example, had full meters for pretty much everything.
I've only gotten this guy once, on my Pink and Green Gen 1 tama. I had just read that you could have up to 8 poops on your screen; I was mystified, as that would have left no space for the tama itself. It turned out that the tama got bumped off of the screen after about 4 poops. I fed it regular meals and snacks (I didn't want to play the game, since the slowed-down beeps scared me). It turned into a kuchitama quite early (on its 3rd morn or so), and turned into a nyoro at about age 5. It died the next day, in a shopping mall; I spent several moments wandering around a department store, staring at its death throes in mute shock. It did leave an egg, however, so it couldn't have been that unhealhty.
The Tamagotchi Daihyakka says that Nyorotchi ("sound of something wiggling or squirming forwards") is "the weakest of the tams, with a rather frail body and a bottom-less pit for a stomach. His personality is usually phlegmatic and calm, but he's a different tam altogether when it comes to food; he goes berserk! Relatively short-lived."
One of Mika-chu's friends in the Tamagotchi comic accidentally raised a Nyoro. She claimed to have kept excellent care of hers, and boastfully predicted a mamechi (I think... I lost that particular issue). When she got a wheezing sickly Nyoro, she went berserk and started kicking over desks, screaming "Traitor! I work myself to the bone raising you, and this is the thanks I get?!"
Here's what Rebecca had to say about her Gameboy Nyoro... Thanks Rebecca!
>> Nyorochi/kusachi
This is a mystery...
I filled up all the meters, fed a even variety of the foods, didn't feed him any ice cream or
cake, and played with him sometimes when he didn't need it.
I ended up with Nyorotchi.
He's still cute, with a really appealing smile, but still sickly looking.
I did, however, play the sports game and IQ game when not needed, and that might have affected
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