Depending on who you ask, these are either the cutest or most annoying stages. The Babichi stage includes both ShiroBabichi and TonMaruchi. The Kodomotchi ("Child") stage, also known as the teenager stage, includes the Hashitamachi and Tongaritchi.
The characters with legs, such as the Tongarichi, sleep in futons; the ones without legs do not. (Although it appears that the babies in Osuchi/Mesuchi do, in fact, get their own little beds or cardboard boxes or something.)
This is the stage immediately after the egg hatches.
The second generation infant is slightly bigger than the Generation 1 Tamagotchi baby, and
looks something like an albino ball. It is called "Shirobabichi" ("white baby").
This is when the tam is at it's neediest; constantly calling for food and games, getting sick
easily, and so on. Thankfully, it only lasts about an hour and 45 minutes.
All babychi weigh 5 units; there is no weight gain or loss. Consequently, you can feed it as
many candies as you like with a minimum of guilt. After a brief nap, it will wake up 1 years
old, and will remain a shirobabichi for a little while longer before
According to the Tamagotchi Daihyakka (TD), the Shiro-babychi's favourite food is "ichigo daifuku", a japanese confection made of mochi (a silky-feeling substance made from sticky rice) wrapped around red bean paste, wrapped around a strawberry. Shirobabichi idolizes the strong arm of justice, and wants to be big and buff when he grows up.
About 20 minutes after waking up from it's nap, the shirobabichis
transform into their toddler forms, tonmaruchi
(doesn't actually mean anything; probably a compound word made up of "tongaru" meaning
"pointy" and "maru" meaning "circle"), with a minimum weight of 10 units.
They stay in this stage for two to three days.
The good news is that in this stage, the baby tams actually smile at you instead of opening
their little oblong mouths like the babies do. The bad news is, they have teeth, with which
they snarl and snap. They also start being selfish at this stage; that is, they call you even
if (or especially when) all their meters are full. However, once in this form they can safely
be left for about 3 hours before they call you needing attention
(my belated thanks to Book-kun of Clan Liam, who was my guinea pig
for most of my "how long can they wait before needing attention" experiments).
The TD refers to this stage as "a little bigger, but still [acts like] a baby.
Still utterly dependant on you, and starts being selfish too. The cutest stage!?"
Tonmaruchi is also noted as "liking small spaces (shows tonmaru in cardboard box and small soup
bowl), and likes to eat kaki-no-tane (a type of rice cracker shaped like a persimmon seed;
quite spicy) and uguisu-mochi (a type of light-green mochi, coincidentally the same colour as
the illustrated tonmaru). His hobbies apparently include scrunching up paper." An interesting,
if completely useless, note:
In the US version, the tonmaru is said to like "messing up his hair". This is probably due to
the fact that hair (kaMI) and paper (kaMI) are homonyms in Japanese. "kaMI" also means "bite",
and "KAmi" means god. Ain't Japanese wonderful?
This is often known as the "sickly" teenager. This just means that Hashitamachis are low-energy, and don't trot around like the tamachi and tongaritchi. I've only gotten the hashitama once (during my infamous "see how many poops will fit on the screen" experiment), so I have no comment, except to say that they don't, for whatever reason, get futons to sleep in. Quite sad, really.
The TD notes that the Hashitamachi is the one with the beak. ...My guess is that they
wrote the section on Gen 2 separately from the Gen 1 characters, since the G1 Kuchitamachi
also has a beak. In any case, both "hashi" and "kuchi" can refer to a beak; in fact, the
Japanese word for beak is "kuchi-bashi" (bashi=hashi with a slightly different pronounciation).
In any case, Hashitama is said to have low blood pressure or anemia, and as a result has a big
problem getting up in the morning. When he gets sick, his lips/beak swells up.
This is often called the "healthy" teenager. Tongarichi's minimum weight is 20 units, and he jogs in place with little black feet. When happy, Tongaritchi rocks back on his feet. He also seems to have smaller teeth than his G1 counterpart Tamachi, for whatever reason, so it's not nearly so upsetting when he snarls. This is also the first stage in which the tams sleep in their own little futons.
The TD notes that Tongaritchi ("pointy") "runs around a lot, because [it] has legs.
Loves [to eat] corn, and [its] hobby is making flower beds."
In the manga illustrations, it seems that tongaritchi can straighten up his little "point" or
let it droop or become round, depending on his mood.
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