June 18th, 1998
A great many things have happened.
I started up a GigaPet Rancor to keep me company at work... but it died at age 2 (twice!),
weighing something like 1 ton.
I downloaded and installed a PostPet for my work address, Tamsin the Tortoise. I sent a couple of e-mails, and all was well from the 15th to the 17th, but on the 18th, my computer suddenly crashed.
I was disconsolate. Poor sweet Tamsin had only been with me for a few days! and I hadn't even had the chance to back-up her messages or profile! I didn't even have a gif of her!
Above is a gif of Tamsin's room, snapped while she was out delivering mail.
I had to re-download and install PostPet, among other things.... I decided not to get another Tortoise, since it would have felt like betraying Tamsin.
Instead I got a female Cat, which I named Kaylee! I decided to keep a detailed record of her journal entries, as well as take pictures of her on a regular basis!
Here are her entries for today: Kaylee's on-line journal: June 18th!
And here is the first thing that came into my mailbox when I checked it using PostPet...
Er... that's funny... I thought I'd saved it... maybe it's on one of my disks. Check back later to see if it's here yet!
So... many... bubbles!
Meanwhile, Kaylee the Cat has started e-mailing me (and my sister's Cat sent a second e-mail)!
Title: "Oh?"
Did I mix up with the diary?
Killer, although older than my sister's cat by several hours, still has yet to send me anything... Probably because he's such a homebody! He rarely gets to go out and play. :(
Oh, and I also spent some time on-line getting reacquainted with Technosphere! New and improved and nicer looking!
However, they aren't as careful about asking which type you want (carnivore or prey- er, I mean herbivore) so I created a carnivore without really meaning to!
My Technosphere monsters are:
So far, their e-mails have been fairly mundane... stuff about how they're "looking for food".
Kaylee's On-line Journal: June 19th
June 22nd, 1998
Nothing much happened on the weekend, really... at least, not in the Wonderful World of V-pets!
Part of this was because we had to pick up and pet-sit a beautiful Shetland Sheepdog, Bambi. He belongs to some family friends, and since they're in Europe for a couple of weeks, they asked us to care for Bambi! So I didn't have any time to start v-pets.
In PostPet news: Kaylee brought home a new treasure! An "oyaji" (er... "middle aged man".)
Here are her "journal entries" for the day:
Kaylee's On-line Journal: June 22nd
And here's a letter that she wrote me!
Title: "Now I've got it!"
This way Amy-Chan can read.
June 23rd, 1998
Kaylee is bringing home increasingly strange "treasures"... these include a "torque tuned", a mask, a blue-skinned rag doll, and more!
Since there's hardly enough entries to merit a whole 'nother page, here's Kaylee's journal entry for the day!
I went to Jennifer' house on June,23.
I played with Teddy 2
That's a kind of love, too.
One thing I forgot to mention is that something Went Wrong when I downloaded the PostPet Program, so some of the numbers won't display correctly!
June 24th, 1998
No e-mail today.
But Kaylee has gone from being "All A's" smart to "Some people think it's got PhD" smart!
Oh, and I didn't notice this until my sister pointed it out, but Kaylee has gone from being "a beginner at delivering mail (the original, default setting)" to "Still a beginner".
Is this an improvement, I wonder?
Kaylee's On-line Journal: June 24th
June 25th, 1998
Kaylee has sent over 29 e-mails! Her status is now "Delivering Diligently" and she sent me an e-mail! Hurray!
Entitled: "Hurray!"
When do you cheer ?
it is a cool thing among us.
Now, if anyone here is a regular reader of Leentje's PostPet Diary, you will have noticed that this message is awfully similar to the one that Leentje got from her Rabbit, Knabbel. My guess is that PostPet must have some Grand Directory, from which sentences are "grabbed" at random by harried PostPets.
Read Kaylee's On-line Journal: June 25th
June 26th, 1998
Kaylee has been busy receiving guests and getting treasures... She now has, among other things, a "daddy"... a pink teddy bear with a moustache?! Do I even want to know how that happened?!
Oh, and she's had a humanoid shadow for a while, too, as well as an Inorganic King. Although the PostPet page implies that PostPets occasionally give away "gifts" to other visiting Pets, Kaylee hasn't done that yet.
Kaylee's On-line Journal: June 27th
June 29th, 1998
I spent a pleasant weekend. On Saturday I finally got my chipped tooth fixed (sometime early last week it had chipped while I was eating a rusk for breakfast).
On Sunday, I went to see Disney's Mulan. Although there were only two memorable songs ("Reflection", sung by Mulan and covered by an artist I don't know; "Be a Man", sung by Donny Osmond- er, I mean, Captain Shang, and the Chinese Army), the animation, story-telling, and emotional power of the movie was incredible. I give it a B or B+ (Would have been higher, were it not for Eddie Murphy/Mu-Shu the Dragon and the annoying four-legged Lucky Cricket. If you're so #$%&! lucky, where are your other two legs?!)
Today, I came back to work and discovered that Kaylee had sent me more mail!
Entitled: "Question" (after 33 mails)
Why do peoplelike information?
At least I understand they like to be under the Sun.
Entitled: "N-Dimension" (June 29th)
(after 40 mails)
Do people live in 3-dimensional world?
Does it mean they are all using polygons?
I think our world could be about 1.5 dimensions.
She also found a new treasure: a yellow "whistle"! And after 42 mails. she went from "Diligently Delivering" to "Slowly Getting Used to the Work"!
Kaylee's On-line Journal: June 29th
June 30th, 1998
...Actually, it's July 21st. But same diff. :) I'm about a month behind in journal entries, and my real life Japanese journal, which my parents proofread to correct my Japanese, has only been updated to June 1st! eeek!
Anyhoo, Kaylee spent a rather uninteresting day, and so she only has one diary entry... hardly worth a page on its own.
I went to Leentje' house on June,30.
I played with Knabbel
I was patted quite a lot.
That's very funny.
July 2nd, 1998
Entitled: "AOK?" (July 2nd, 08:36)
Have you finished the letter?
Entitled: "Looks very happy" (July 2nd, 16:44)
(after 48 mails)
Every time Amy-Chan receives the mail from Amy-Chan,
Amy-Chan looks very cheerful.
Yes indeed!
...Call me paranoid, but I think the cat is mocking me. Sure, it may be a little... odd that I get overjoyed at an e-mail from my own addy... but in theory, it's being written by my dear little v-pet, so it's not that weird... is it?!
Read Kaylee's On-line Journal for July 2nd!
July 3rd, 1998
Kaylee only visited one person today :(
I went to Kei Kei' house on July,3.
I played with Bon Bon
Maybe they've found us.
Ah yes, the good ol' paranoid "Maybe they've found us" message. And who might "they" be, I wonder? Rescuers from Planet PostPet, here to liberate their enslaved brethren? :D
July 6th, 1998
Kaylee visited a whole heap of people today :)
Kaylee's OnLine Journal: July 6th
July 7th, 1998
Tonight is Tanabata, a Japanese summer festival celebrating the stars!
Legend has it that a maiden from the stars, Orihime, and a lowly common-born human, Hikoboshi,
met and fell in love. Orihime's father was a powerful King of the Heavens, and he frowned upon
their love. But the King was cunning, and knew that forbidding their love outright would do
little good. Instead, he set forth a cruel task for Hikoboshi... to guard a patch of
star-melons, the most prized fruit in the land, for 7 days and 7 nights.
Hikoboshi persevered for the sake of his love, in the sweltering summer heat of the Land of
Stars, but in the end, he was only human. Half-crazed with thirst and exhaustion, he broke
open the smallest melon in the patch.
Immediately a torrent of water gushed from the star-melon, becoming a mighty river separating
Hikoboshi from Orihime. This river, we now call the Milky Way.
On the seventh night of the seventh month of each year, a flock of geese act as a bridge across
the river, allowing the two lovers to reunite. On this night, called Tanabata, young children
write down their most secret desires and cherished wishes on slips of paper, and hang them from
bamboo poles festooned with cut-outs of stars; for it is said that on this night, of all nights,
the impossible can happen, and wishes can come true.
...That said, we didn't do a heck of a lot at my house for Tanabata. Even Kaylee only got to go out twice, and I don't think Killer (my poor little stay-at-home bunny) got to leave the house once.
Kaylee's OnLine Journal: July 7th
July 9th, 1998
I can no longer rememeber what happened today. This is bad....
Kaylee's Online Journal: July 9th
July 10th, 1998
Apparently, I spent sometime today downloading HexEdit for Windows 95, installing a new
PostPet on my HardDrive at work, and "hacking" into the code to see what I could do.
Go to the PostPet Character Page to find out how I did
I ended up getting an Unidentified Mysterious Animal (UMA) and discarding it in favour of a
King Postman. S/he is of indeterminate sex, and is named Quetzovercoatl after the Tezuman God
of Human Sacrifice. Also known as the Feathered Boa, Quetzovercoatl is said to be half-man,
half-chicken, half-jaguar, half-scorpion, half-serpent, and half-mad... S/he is also my
nickname on the few NewsGroups that I post to (currently, Alt.Toys.Transformers).
July 13th, 1998
After 68 mails, Kaylee was upgraded (?) to "Still a Child". Oh, and she wrote me a letter... but I wasn't sure how to respond to it. I hate it when my pets write deeper stuff than I do!
Entitled: Is It??? (July 13th, 13:52:21)
Dear Amy-Chan,
Is it a form of discipline to beat someone?
Or is it to kill time?
What do you think?
I found the expression "kill the time" in my dictionary file.
July 14th, 1998
Kaylee sent me a whole heap of e-mails today. The first one was sent thrice, the next one only once.
Entitled: "Profession." (July 14th, 9:54:53)
The truth is, cat's job is sleeping.
...Thank you for that honest confession. That's what I suspected myself... Does that mean I should stop sending you out to deliver mail?
=========Entitled: "A little bit angry" (July 14th, 15:40:28)
I was told, "It's only PostPet".
============All right, who told her? 'Fess up! Come on, you know you're not supposed to tell them
that they're only-
*peers around to make sure that the pets aren't listening*
V-I-R-T-U-A-L P-E-T T-O-Y-S!
Read Kaylee's Online Journal: July 14th
July 15th, 1998
Kaylee visited a few people today, and also sent me a new e-mail.
Entitled: "Try something old and get something new" (July 15th, 14:16:54) The old people know lots of things, don't they? Kaylee
Cute and perceptive, if somewhat gramatically suspect.
Kaylee's OnLine Journal: July 15th
July 16th, 1998
She's started sending the same e-mail repetitively again. I worry about her sometimes... oh,
and Killer's been sending me mail too, but I keep forgetting to put it up on the page.
Read Killer's Letters to me Here!
Entitled: "Hello" (July 16th, 10:19:00)
Dear Amy-Chan,
Who is that Kaylee knocking at the door now?
I won't even pretend to understand what she's going on about. Oh, and here's a little something that Quetzovercoatl my Other Work PostPet sent me:
Entitled: "......" (July 16th, 10:43:44)
========...This, from a PostPet that's so smart "Some thinks it's got PhD"....
Kaylee's OnLine Journal: July 16th
July 17th, 1998
Kaylee and I made friends with two individuals who both like PostPet, and both have FinFin.
I am both inordinately jealous, and puzzled as to the odds of something like that happening.
Oh, and on an unrelated note, I'm going to see the X-Files movie tomorrow.
July 20th, 1998
Extreme frustration. Both on Friday the 18th and this morning, the computer network at work suddenly failed to recognize my e-mail addy, and essentially acted as if it didn't exist, bouncing e-mails right and left.
Kaylee's OnLine Journal: July 20th
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