April 1st, 1998
Well, I tried leaving Ashtaroth at home today. I ended up coming home past 7:00 pm (I resolutely stand behind my excuse, er, assertion that I was late because I was researching stuff at the library. Then the aliens abducted me and stole all the bus schedules in town, causing the entire transit system to run two hours late.)
When I got back, her Angel Points, Hungry hearts and Effort hearts were all at 0! And she was sick! I gave her medicine and played with and fed her, and filled her AP up to 80. When she went to bed, the AP dropped to 79.
In case I didn't mention this earlier, I'm doing this to see if I can keep her a Kuriten rather than another blasted Twin Angels. Someone on the Tamagotchi-L Mailing List told me that neglecting your angel up 'til age 6 (when they usually become the secret character) could keep them as normal adulten, so I'm trying that out.
Oh, and I finally got my angel to do a double jump!
On Madcow's page there is a Tricks to
Teach your Angel section, and I had found myself unable to do the Double Jump (one jump over
nothing, then again over the shooting star). I had found that my angel would not respond after
the first jump, no matter how quickly or how strongly I pressed the button. I posted to the T-l
list asking if this trick was impossible, or if my reflexes were just slow. The response was
quick and curt (one, confusingly enough, said "No you are wrong". Um, I asked a two-part
question... Which part are you saying is wrong?! Which, of course, reminded me of a favourite
Wolverine quote... Someone asks the mysterious Canadian X-man if Logan is his first name or
last name. Wolverine/Logan's response? "Yup." We now return you to your regularly scheduled
Tama Diary.)
Anyway, I was finally able to do it today. The clue was in someone's remark that "sometimes the star takes longer to come". Through trial and error, I discovered that the Double Jump was possible, especially when done on the third or fourth star. In the past, I'd been giving up after failing the first and second stars; perhaps that was my problem.
April 2nd, 1998
Ashtaroth stayed at home again today. When I checked on her at 7:00 pm, her AP had gone down to 40, and everything else was at 0. I filled everything up to the top, and got to work on my essay (the less said about that piece of badly-written carp the better).
April 3rd, 1998
Today was going to be the day in which I discovered whether neglect could keep adulten from changing into the secret characters.
...Unfortunately, it was not to be. When I came home at around 5:30 pm, I discovered little Ashtaroth crying. Wondering what was the matter, I pressed the A button to check her stats. Then the screen blacked out, and the little spark flew up to heaven...
At 6:20pm, I hatched Mulciber, or Muldy for short. I'm mixing references here: Muldy is obviously a reference to Fox Mulder of X-Files, who probably wouldn't like the idea of a v-pet who beams down from a UFO and is coddled by humans; Mulciber is a fallen angel that shows up in Milton's Paradise Lost. I believe he may have been the Greek God Hephaestos.
Mulciber is going to essentially live the easy life: I will coddle him until he is a kodoten, at which point in time I will make him sick and neglect him. My prediction is that he will become either a Pukuten or a Ginjiroten.... although the folks who got Ginjiroten didn't intentionally neglect him, so maybe it's better if I don't sicken him, but just accidentally-on-purpose leave him at home.
In other news: Leentje's page has some cool stuff on PostPet. I found out about this e-mail system early this year, but despaired of it ever leaving Japan. According to Leentje, though, English and German versions are in the works. Her page has more info on it than I can write without replication, so all I can add is that the various pets have different levels of intelligence and difficulty (both in raising and in terms of temperament: some are apparently a lot less easy-going than others). For example, the pink teddy is easy-going and quite complacent (ie good for beginners) but remains at a developmental and intellectual level equal to a 4 to 6 year old. Oh, and supposedly they sometimes bring back little flowers and pets and garbage from their trips delivering your mail.
On a somewhat unrelated note, I was rather insulted/peeved at Leentje's remark that "in Japan they don't use chairs". DO TOO!!! The "cushions" in the PostPet room to which she refers, incidentally, are probably zabuton (literally, "futon-on-which-you-sit"), and are padded mats upon which you sit in traditional Japanese homes. These would be the homes with low tables and tansu and futons and oshiire-closets with sliding doors, which are on the decline... most "modern" Japanese homes have beds, closets, table-and-chair dinette sets, etc. The low-table and zabuton set, if present, are usually plunked in front of the TV... most Japanese homes's don't have space for couches or sofas (plus I think they might have a nasty reputation).
Anyhoo... I WANT ONE! (A PostPet, not a sofa with a bad reputation.) Preferably the turtle.
I wanted to download the beta-version that they had, but my sister wouldn't let me.
Oh, and if all goes well, I will be doing a v-pet exchange with Vickie: she will send me an orange Umi no Tamagotchi (and a video of parts of the Tamagotchi World 64 N64 game, so that I can translate Mika-chu and the Prof's lines), and I plan to repay her with a Keroppi Kero Pet (this depends mostly on my dad taking me to my local Yaohan Centre). Incidentally, Vickie is apparently not feeling too well, so let's all wish her well!
April 4th, 1998
Well, my parents did drive me to Yaohan Center... unfortunately, the store selling the Kero Pets wasn't open yet! So my sister and I lounged around and looked at all of the cute character stuff. Unfortunately, during this time Muldy was all but forgotten in my purse, and I ended up missing two prayings! Since I managed to catch one praying this morning, that left him at 50% on the deeds meter.
He hasn't gone for a walk yet, but since I was trying to make an animation of him praying, he got praised about 3 extra times.
At 7:29 pm, Muldy turned into a Kodoten! I filled up all his meters, turned out the lights, and made him ill. He should transform tomorrow around 7:29 pm; it will be interesting to see if he becomes a Pukuten or the elusive Ginjiroten.
April 5th, 1998
Well, Muldy/Mulciber didn't do much today... I guess you can't really go for walks when you're sick. :P
At 7:29 pm, I heard the familiar old shimmery sound. I looked on apprehensively, half-hoping for a ginjirotenshi, and half-expecting a puku-ten or taraten when...
MULDY TURNED INTO A GINJIROTENSHI! A darling, darling ginjiroten!
*happy sigh*
Hephaestos always was my favourite greek god....
It's a little odd to see Muldy eat... I'll work on an animation asap, but he looks almost quadrupedal. (I always thought of ginjiro's as basically bipedal, with arms and tail. Oh, that's one thing about the ginjiroten, because of his wings you can tell that thing in the back really is a tail, not an arm. This was a major point of contention between my sister and myself.) I'm supposed to be working on my essay, so I'll write more later, but... SO CUTE! I must find a way of keeping him a ginjiro without letting him become a secret character!
April 6th, 1998
Woo-hoo! Muldy/Mulciber prayed for me twice today... once in the middle of class, and then again after school, just when I wanted to show him to my sister the ginjirochi fan! (Although her response to most tams and tamangels is lukewarm nowadays, she has reacted favourably to the Ginjiroten... although she complains that it's harder to please than its earthly counterpart.)
The praying itself is cute, but not as spectacular at the Kuriten or Pukuten. He just twirls in place. It's the potty scene that cute: He squats down on a Japanese flushable squatting toilet (I don't know how else to describe it, but people who have spent any amount of time in the less-technologically advanced areas of Japan will know of what I speak. The high-tech areas of Japan, meanwhile, have western-style toilets with automatic disposable toilet seat dispensers, seat-warming and bidet functions, as well as automatic flushing capabilities. We now return you to your regularly scheduled diary.)
He gets this look of concentration on his face, and then grins, with what appears to be toilet paper in hand, as the poop emerges. It's a little graphic, compared to some past versions, but oh-so-cute! Now all I have to do is see the walk animation, and I will be happy... for about 3 minutes. ;D
Kasper3333 reported on the Tamagotchi-L Mailing List that not paying much attention to the TamAngel during its 5th and 6th years should keep it from becoming a secret character, but I don't know if I have the heart to leave alone something that reminds me so much of dear Book-kun (so short-lived) and Anaethema Device... So far, I've tried witholding candies. I hope it works...
April 7th, 1998
Awwww... Muldy went for a walk today. When he came back, he seemed to be a normal Gen 1 ginjirochi, as if he'd just forgotten his wings and halo at home.
Oh, and I finally managed to send a package in the mail. Canada-to-US postage is terrible, isn't it? High cost, lower income. etc...
April 8th, 1998
Today, I didn't do much with Muldy. A friend from the SFS lent me two of his own Discworld novels, Guards! Guards! and Men At Arms. There are primarily about the Ankh Morportk City Guard. I finished one tonight... I hope I can make the second one last a little longer.
To get back on topic: Since my mom's leaving for Japan tomorrow, I shyly asked if she'd get me
two OsuMesu books that SilverBean had told me about.
I also timidly requested a Mori No Tamagotchi, but was flatly refused.
"No way," said my mom, "You have plenty of Tamagotchi as it is. Aren't you
getting a little too obsessed/involved/fanatic (the Japanese word she used is hard to translate)
with these things?"
*sigh* At least I tried...
April 9th, 1998
Muldy repeatedly beeped for attention today. His hungry and effort hearts kept bottoming out. I don't know if this is because I started giving him candies again (he wasn't showing any signs of becoming twins, so I thought it was safe to start feeding him chocolate hearts again), or if this is the natural aging cycle for Ginjiro-tenshi.
He beeped during my Workshop, so I fed him a little, played with him a little, and turned his sound off. When I next checked on him, my little Ginjiro-ten was crying and waving at me. If what happened with Uriel is any indication, he was/is going to reset as soon as I pressed a button... so right now it's still stuck on that screen.
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