My Osuchi and Mesuchi Diary

May 18th

Happy Victoria Day!

To celebrate the Canadian Victoria Day weekend.. I slept in, did nothing, managed to procrastinate, and ate some chocolate! Yaaaay!
(That was intended as sarcasm, for those of you suffering from irony-deficiency.)

RC spent a far more productive day... Sometime in the morning, she rather unexpectedly tranformed into...
Yet Another Pyonkochi!

In retrospect, I must admit that it was well worth the effort that it took to make that animation... I've used it for (let's see now) three different mesuchi. Wow...

How ironic that a short while ago, I was doubting my friend's ability to get any other 1st generation Osuchi than Kiwichi... Since then, he's gotten Bunbuchi and Megachi. If he gets a Pyonchichi, he'll have gotten the entire set! (aside from the secret character)

I don't know when we can next meet, but I hope that RC and her Megachi beloved will have a chance to mate... soon...

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Tamagotchi, Tamagotch, Osuchi and Mesuchi are all property of Bandai Japan.

Image created using AniMagic.