My Osuchi and Mesuchi Diary
May 6th
Yaay! Today I went to see Sliding Doors, a fantasy-romance-comedy dealing with the idea of alternate realities. I definitely recommend this film... first of all, for the way that the alternate realities were dealt with (I wasn't sure if they'd do split screen, or alternate endings the way that the movies "Clue" and "Wayne's World" did, or what, but "Sliding Doors" did it much more nicely than I had expected), as well as the great actors, the humour, and the characterizations. Almost everyone has something likeable or fun about them... The downside is that someone else who attended the same showing as me thought the very ending felt "tacked on because the test audience liked it", and I felt that the part immediately preceding the ending was a little contrived. Plus I wasn't entirely sure if the ending was happy or not. Perhaps, as the male lead James puts it, "It all works out for the best." Or as Marge Simpson puts it: "It's an ending. We can be thankful for that." Oh, and a little warning: a lot of the language is coarse/mature, and the scenes are a little adult. (Many references/images of "shagging".)
In actual Osuchi Mesuchi news: Watusi had new batteries put in him. He is 4 years old today, and is a little Obochi
and, as the person raising the Osuchi puts it, "at the cutest stage".
I am hopeful that Becca will live long enough to mate with Watusi's hatchling. Things don't look good, though; today I caught her "sulking" for the first time ever! (NB: When an Osuchi or Mesuchi mateable tamagotchi "sulks" at the bottom of the screen, it means that the Happy hearts have gone below 0 hearts. Winning a game or giving a candy will get the tam to un-sulk, but does not raise the Happy hearts above 0.)
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