Today, I had my last final exam... Introduction to French Literature and Textual Analysis! It's over and done with! YES!
*stops hyperventilating and punching fist in air*
Ahem. Although I knew that I would be busy, I decided to pause only my Umi de Hakken Tamagotchi.
The TamAngel stayed at home, and was left to its own devices in my continuing attempt not
to raise the Twin Angels. My mesuchi followed me to school, where she went down to 2 hearts on
occasion, but never any lower.
Becca (I keep forgetting her name, since it has no immediate connotation for me) went to bed with full discipline. Although I used to dislike the Mohitamachi (mostly 'cause it looks a little scary when eating or happy... something about that flip-top head makes me worry that it's going to dislocate its jaw) I now find something endearing about Becca and her placid motions... unlike little Mojo2 the UmiTama, who's driving me mad with his constant beepings, etc!
The only thing that bothers me now is: What will Becca turn into? I can guess that she'll
become an ohjyochi again, but what about the adult form? And how will her adult form affect
the babies' form? Last time we mated a 4th gen with a 1st gen (Chohimechi and Kiwichi) we got
kakuchi babies:
So what will we get this time? I'm hoping for something new, but I'm not sure if it's
possible... After all, it seems that there's a fairly limited set of Characters for Osuchi and
Mesuchi (Limited, that is, compared to, say, Pocket Monsters and other collectible virtual
critter games). Ah well. I heard that Bandai is coming out with new colours for the Osuchi
and Mesuchi, so maybe these will have new characters, just like the New Colours 2nd Gen Tams
in Japan (the ones with Nyachi instead of Pochichi, and Charichi instead of Sekitorichi)?
One can always hope...
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Most of these Images stolen from Someone's Osuchi/Mesuchi Diary as well as Niku-kyuu's Home Page. Thanks for your generosity!
Images created using MediaCraft's Pocket Artist. Thanks guys! But try writing the instructions in real English, willya?