April 12th, 1998
Today was a rather busy day for me. I had stayed up 'til 2 am yesterday, trying to get my real-life Japanese journal back up-to-date (I'm currently at April 4th... YAAAAY!) and so I was rather tired in the morning. Nevertheless, I limped out of bed to make some Cheese Biscuits, seeing as how it was my Dad's birthday.
For a variety of reasons (too much flour, not enough cheese) the biscuits ended up rather hard and not-very-full-of-taste; I think that I shall publish them later, on a separate bread, as Genuine Discworld Dwarf Bread (of the Classic Cowpat variety). This, of course, will be right along side my earlier recipe for Cookies a la Minui, and my upcoming recipe for Deadly Space Fudge.
Then, in the afternoon, after helping my sister make some cocoa milk shakes and whipped milk
(tasted awful. Had a sickening texture. In hindsight, I don't think either of us know what
possessed us to try out "whipped milk", other than the fact that our Braun hand-mixer said
that it was possible as a whipping cream substitute), I started on some Chocolate Crepes for
a cake I'm making for my dad, with copious help from my sister.
Meanwhile, Jean spent a pleasant day: she was selfish thrice, bringing her up to 150 % discipline, and at 7:50 pm she became ill. In a panicked confusion, I accidentally scolded her (this deletes one happy heart), but I managed to give her two shots anyway. She was at 2 hungry hearts, 1 happy heart, and 85 grams in weight when she went to bed at 8:00 pm.
At this rate, she should be turning into a Debuchi within a day or so (Debuchi = overweight Mesuchi or Osuchi that fills up the screen, not allowing the owner to do anything other than play with it and check its stats). If and when this happens, I plan to exercise her down to an acceptable level (about 89 grams, I think) and then work her way up again.
Of course, I have an exam on the 15th, and this may severely compromise my ability to continue this strict regime...
PS. A sad note: Athol-brose and Country Mouse's Osuchi and Mesuchi pair seem to have passed on, and if their posts are accurate, it seems that they have little intention of starting up their tams again. And the person raising my Osuchi's mother has been expressing a general disbelief that he still has his Osuchi going. The ranks of Tam-dom are ever thinning, and even the steadfast few who have remained beyond the Craze are dwindling...
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Most of these Images stolen from Someone's Osuchi/Mesuchi Diary as well as Niku-kyuu's Home Page. Thanks for your generosity!
Images created using MediaCraft's Pocket Artist. Thanks guys! But try writing the instructions in real English, willya?