April 3rd, 1998
YaaaaY! We just officially finished club elections at the UBC Science Fiction Society, and I
was elected Social Coordinator (didn't want to be, but no-one else wanted the job, and I felt
guilty about not doing too great of a job as C-Space Editor) and was reappointed C-Space
editor! (among other things, the two others who nominated themselves for the jobs voted for me
Life's funny like that.)
My first official act as Social Coordinator was to utterly fail in organizing a group viewing of Lost In Space! MWAHAHAHA! But I have a semi-legitimate excuse: only 2 people showed real interest in going, and also I have another major essay due on Wednesday. I need 5 journal articles and 3 books, minimum, as research... and I haven't even thought up a thesis yet! (mostly because my cursed teacher gave us a very limited number of suggested topics, most of which boil down to: "compare and contrast two to three works to show how the role of literature has changed in society". GRRRRR! I hate this class! (Or more specifically, the essays we get in this class, both in terms of the topics and the ridiculous amount of research we are forced to do.))
Well, that's about enough griping for now.
Here's a li'l animation of Transmutate the Batabachi (not her full animation, of course, so
you'll just have to imagine her going back and forth across the screen like that.
Don't you wish your life could be as simple as hers?
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Most of these Images stolen from Someone's Osuchi/Mesuchi Diary as well as Niku-kyuu's Home Page. Thanks for your generosity!
Images created using MediaCraft's Pocket Artist. Thanks guys! But try writing the instructions in real English, willya?