April 2nd, 1998
Since I'm supposed to be writing my big essay right now, this entry will have to be rather short.
At 10:24 am, I discovered that Transmutate was sick. I gave her two doses of medicine, and at 10:26 am she transformed into a Batabachi! She went from 100 (+25) % discipline to 50%, and her weight doubled to 20 grams. She was selfish at around 6:45 pm, and was duly scolded. She cried a fountain of tears, but I doubt she's learned her lesson; I think she'll probably call me again for no reason whatsoever in the near future.
As I suspected, the 3rd generation/TMP 3 characters seem to be limited to Petit-Chocochi,
Mizutamachi, Batabachi/Propeller-chi and Pipochi/Kabuchi. It seems that the lower TMP is
dominant, in Osu/Mesu genetics (ie. if a 1st gen and 5th gen mate, the babies will be 2nd gen,
etc.) Of course, this doesn't explain how the different 2nd gen characters
(Mimikochi/Marumimichi, Biruochi/Birukochi and Hirachi/Pirachi) can be gotten.
I suspect that the Mimi- pair might be the Mamechi equivalents, since most people seem to get
this pair, but I'm not sure... And I still don't know why our Pyonkochi and Kiwichi resulted
in a darling pair of Mimis, but our ChoHimechi and Kiwichi resulted in Birus, which don't look
nearly as cute. One would think a higher TMP (4 and 1, vs. the previous 1 and 1) would result
in a cuter offspring... that said, the ugly unmateables
Sutebochi (male) and Otokichi (female) are TMP 4... Maybe TMP has nothing to do with the
"goodness" or cuteness of the characters?
Also, the veteran osu/mesu owners have been complaining that they can't get different
characters beyond the 4th generation. I suspect that it's either a lack of perseverance on
their part (how severely are they abusing their osu/mesus? have they tried to aim for the
unmateable "secret" characters, who are also TMP 4? Have they tried handing over half of the
pair to someone else for them to raise/accidentally kill?) or some glitch. After all, the
media-magic page quite definitely got many different characters in their 9-or-so generations...
and they didn't even get the Chohimechi
or Chomamechi (which the veterans seem stuck on) even once! Of course, they seem to have had a
heck of a time working their way up to TMP 4... maybe that's part of it.
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Most of these Images stolen from Someone's Osuchi/Mesuchi Diary as well as Niku-kyuu's Home Page. Thanks for your generosity!
Images created using MediaCraft's Pocket Artist. Thanks guys! But try writing the instructions in real English, willya?