April 1st
A Sad Announcement
I regret to inform one and all that Transmutate the Mesuchi and Silverbolt the Osuchi are no longer with us...
Since my friend came to visit today, we decided to try linking the Osuchi and Mesuchi up, and seeing what happened when the Mate Icon was selected. Much to our surprise, Transmutate and Silverbolt slid off the screen... but instead of the usual OK sign, when they came back we found Silverbolt cuddling on his screen with another mesuchi, Black Arachnia!!!
Transmutate became hysterical with shock. She emitted a high keening sound like a tam being reset. Then the words "BATTLE!" appeared on her screen, and were replaced by Transmutate and a small bomb with the fuse lit. The bomb rolled on to Silverbolt's screen, which then showed Silverbolt and Black Arachnia doing their head-shaking/don't like medicine animation, before blanking out. Then Transmutate's screen showed the "you scolded me, now I'm going to cry" animation, before also blanking out.....
While my friend did come and visit, we did nothing of the sort, Silverbolt and Transmutate having transformed just yesterday. Silverbolt had gone from 100 % to 25 %, and was at about 50 % when I last saw him; Transmutate was selfish thrice and was at 125 % discipline.
If I have time between the last of my essays (due Friday, which I started tonight and got 491 out of 2500 words done... And another due Wednesday, which I don't have any research done for yet... :C) I hope to make an animation of the little drama I just described above. If anyone has pics of Digimon battle sequences or the Mamemon, I'd greatly appreciate it... preferably done as it appear on-screen.
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Most of these Images stolen from Someone's Osuchi/Mesuchi Diary as well as Niku-kyuu's Home Page. Thanks for your generosity!
Images created using MediaCraft's Pocket Artist. Thanks guys! But try writing the instructions in real English, willya?