Although I like to cultivate a "ruthless psychotic world conqueror" image as Quezovercoatl the
Feathered Boa and Aurora Minui the Megalomaniac, I'm actually a rather kind and nurturing
psychotic world conqueror out of the office, as can be evidenced by my small army of virtual
pets and now, my cabal of Creatures(tm).
"Creatures" is an "artificial life" program in which you are essentially handed a tiny world,
complete with an ecosystem and several species of life, and told to do what you like with it.
You can interact with the creatures of "Albia", as this world is called, by "tickling" them,
"slapping" them for misbehaviour, and (here's the innovative part) talking to them, teaching
them verbs, noun categories (eg, "food" as opposed to "badplant" as opposed to "computer"), and
adjectival emotions.
This innovative part is also the most aggravating part, as the various creatures become senile
and forget words, or are taught the wrong words by yourself, or by other creatures.
For example, early on in the game I made the mistake of downloading the Santa Norn (98) from
Official Creatures 2 website. It immediately taught all the norns in my world that
"hohoho" was the proper term for a fellow norn. Every subsequent generation has used the word
"hohoho" instead of "norn", despite my best efforts.
"Norns" are the official "Good Guys" of the game. In my not-so-humble opinion, the hideous CG
images on the packaging don't do these darlings justice. (In fact, those CG images, coupled
with a marketing campaign that started by mocking and insulting Tamagotchi, were a major reason
I *didn't* buy into the Creatures Craze until Late 1998.)
As you can see here, Norns have big, puppy-like eyes, appealing anthropomorphized facial
expressions, and a horrifyingly high-pitched voice that says all sorts of nonsense syllables.
(You have to depend on the toony little speech bubbles in order to properly communicate with
the little buggers.)
They come in many varieties, with such exciting names as:
The other neat thing is the fact that your norns (and, once you get the Ettin and Grendel
Selector Kit, your ettins and grendels) can be "exported" out of your world, and preserved
as a file. This file can then be e-mailed to a friend as an attachment, or copied and
"cloned" for experimentation or closer study. In my case, I quickly "exported" the Evil
Santa Norn when it became apparent that he was not only ignoring my attempts to teach him
language, but was inciting my other norns to rebellion against the Hand and its autocratic
attempts to control their Norny Rights to Free Speech.
I then spent several merry hours tossing copies of his export file into the Deadly Gene Splicer,
creating various horrible and amusing mutant splice-children. Hell hath no fury like a world
conqueror scorned.
Take THAT, Santa Norn!
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