Your savegames will NOT work after installing this patch. (See "Important Note" below before installing.) ================= IMPORTANT NOTE: ================= BEFORE APPLYING THE PATCH: Your savegames will NOT work after installing this patch. This means that you must find out which level your last savegame is at by either (1) remembering which level you were on, or (2) run Daikatana BEFORE APPLYING THE PATCH, go to the Load Game menu, then look at which level your last savegame is at. (You can find directions for getting as close as possible to where you were before the patch at the bottom of this page) THE PATCH TAKES A LONG TIME: Because of the large files being patched, it could take up to half an hour to apply the patch, depending on your processor speed, memory, hard drive space, and drive fragmentation. The Ion Storm logo in the top-right corner of the screen should periodically animate to let you know the patch is still working. Sometimes it may seem like nothing is happening, but it is. Also, you can view the readme while the patch is installing. Here's the list of Bug Fixes and Additions to Daikatana that are contained in this patch. To apply this patch, you must have a FULL INSTALL of Daikatana in place. ============ BUG FIXES: ============ - Multiple graphic cards are selectable within the game, including Voodoo cards If you are having problems with Daikatana running slow with your Voodoo, after applying this patch, run Daikatana, go to the VIDEO menu and at the top of the screen you'll see a pull-down menu. Pull it down and select "Voodoo Mini ICD" and click on Apply Changes. - Fixed sidekicks not spawning between level changes and savegames (where you couldn't finish the game) - Added unlimited saves option. If ON when starting a level, SaveGems will not spawn. Save function will no longer reference the save count when attempting to save unless the option is turned back off. - Texture size problem with Voodoo cards - All map bugs have been fixed - All Windows 2000 bugs have been fixed (including level loading) - Fixed sidekick speaking and pathing problems - Froginators and RoboSkeets have been changed per skill level - Removed CD copy protection check - Demo recording and playback works Use the standard Quake II commands - Fixed crash when changing your name during a multiplayer game - Fixed crash after a COOP game restore - Fixed memory leaks - You cannot save on moving platforms anymore (which caused a bug) - Fixed multiplayer Mikiko Speed Boost bug (after dying, her Speed wasn't setting correctly) - Default value for RATE cvar is now 25000 - Cannot apply skill points to skills which are already at 5 - The autoload slot should no longer show up in the save menu =============== NEW FEATURES: =============== - Sidekicks use Hosportals - User-typed messages appear in a larger typed font in the message history - Added dedicated server "message of the day" cvar (motd). This is echoed to clients when they connect. The pipe symbol '|' may be used to separate lines in the message. Example: motd "Extreme Destruction Server | Prepare to die!" - Incorporated advanced joystick axis support - Skin color in COOP now works - You can toggle Deathmatch Taunts ("Took the Hardwood", etc.) - In COOP mode, Boss monsters change their difficulty based on number of players - Added double click to multi-player join menu - Added death mp3 files for killing by telefrag and daikatana - Added CTF and DeathTag messages for flag/bomb capture. You can toggle them in the Options menu by choosing "CTF/DT hints". - Incorporated new weapon selection menu to the multi-player menu, allowing selection of individual weapons, rather than slots. - Episode 3 water is no longer freezing in deathmatch - "Instagib" mod added for Deathmatch, CTF and DeathTag. You randomly start with a different weapon when you respawn. Each episode has two weapons to choose from. They are: E1: Ion Blaster, Sidewinder E2: Venomous, Trident E3: Bolter, Ballista E4: Slugger, Kineticore - Map rotation is now set with CVARs, depending on the type of multiplayer mode you're in. maps_dm " ..." maps_ctf " ..." maps_deathtag " ..." (example: maps_dm "e1m1b e1dm1 e1dm1a") - To resume gameplay AS CLOSE to where you were, you'll need to play that level over from the beginning. If you're close to the beginning already, there's almost no difference. If you are pretty far into the level, this means you'll have to play over from the beginning of the level. To do this, follow these steps: (1) Make sure you have "+set cheats 1 +set console 1" set in the Daikatana shortcut properties. (2) Run Daikatana and find your most recent savegame. Remember the name of the level. (3) You will need to load up that level directly by typing "map " where matches the list below: e1m1a - Marsh e1m2a - Sewer System e1m3a - Solitary e1m4a - Crematorium e1m5a - Processing e1m6a - Icelab e1m7a - The Vault e2m1a - Lemnos Isle e2m2a - Catacomb e2m3a - Athens e2m4a - Acropolis e2m5a - Lair of Medusa e3m1a - Plague Village e3m2a - Passage e3m3a - Dungeon e3m4a - Wyndrax Tower e3m5a - Crypt of Nharre e3m6a - Gharroth's Throne e4m1a - Alcatraz e4m2a - Beneath the Rock e4m3a - Tower of Crime e4m4a - Mishima Labs e4m5a - Mishima's Hideout e4m6a - SEAL Training Facility You will start with the proper sidekicks in tow and have no inventory (which is normal). The last thing you need to do is give yourself the proper weapons. You must use the cheat "weapon_give_#" where # is the number of the weapon you wish to give yourself (the value is from 1 to 6). This chart will tell you which weapons you need to give yourself based on which map you're cheating to: e1m2, e2m2, e3m2, e4m2: 1-2 e1m3, e2m3, e3m3, e4m3: 1-3 e1m4, e2m4, e3m4, e4m4: 1-4 e1m5, e2m5, e3m5, e4m5: 1-5 e1m6, e3m6, e4m6: 1-6 e1m7: 1-6 For example, if you were resuming play on Wyndrax Tower, you would type (at the console): "weapon_give_1;weapon_give_2;weapon_give_3;weapon_give_4" and press Enter. Then you'll be back as close as possible to where you left off, weapon-wise.