Daikatana Custom Textures Authored by Wayne W. Smith with help from Shawn Green Original Tutorial Written
by John Romero with help from Bruce Ladewig SECTION 1: Introduction SECTION 2: Creating your own Texture Directory for your map The first thing you need to do is make
GFX and GFX8 subdirectories in the map directory where you're working
on your map. The directory structure should look like this: If
you've done everything right, you should see something like the
Hopefully you will notice in the above picture a file called "custex.bat" SECTION 3: Setting Up Custex.bat The "custex.bat program is a very simple batch program. The
actual program is shown below: IMPORTANT: Open up custex.bat in NOTEPAD and change gibcity4 to the name of your map.
VERY IMPORTANT: Please remember to resave "custex.bat" as "custex.bat".
SECTION 3: Getting Started NOTE: This is the first time you are importing textures. IMPORTANT: Make sure you copy the
CLIP.BMP file from the IonRadiant directory into your
GFX directory before trying to process your graphics with the
custex.BAT file! When you've filled the
GFX directory with all your 24-bit BMP textures, you need to run the
custex program. Just DOUBLE CLICK
on the custex.bat program icon. Now that you've generated your colormap.bmp and WALs from the 24-bit BMPs, you need to COPY these files from the GFX8 directory to Daikatana.
Go to your Daikatana/data/textures directory and create a new file folder named for your texture set. This is the same name you used to replace gibcity4.
Now copy the colormap.bmp and all the WAL files from the GFX8 directory to your new Daikatana\data\textures\<mapname> directory. At this point, you can check your Daikatana\data\textures\<mapname> directory and see that it's filled
with WAL files and the colormap.bmp. Now, in IonRadiant, you can use the
Textures->Load From List function and point to that directory to load
your textures up. SECTION 4: Adding more Textures